View Full Version : Mind Games???

17-10-07, 19:38
Hi Guys:D

Just wanted to pick your brains for a min:shrug:

Nearly 3 years ago there was a big familly split between me and my son and his partner

This resulted in all communication being severed

I have always sent my grandaughter Xmas and birthday gifts and an Easter Egg which she has been allowed to have

Until last Xmas however I was never thanked

Well last Xmas my sons partner text me and thanked me for gift

In the 3 years that passed they got married and had another child

So yesterday was my grandaughters birthday hubby duly delivered gift

Sons wife text me this morning and said thanks and could she email me piccies of the kids!!!

Well I said yes of course and the pics arrived

It was lovely to see them both!!

She has sent me a few chatty texts today and I cant work out what is going on???

I know from my younger son that she and my elder son have split up happened several months ago

Am I being used in one of her sick little games???

Or does she want to build bridges??

Should I ever trust her again???

Any thoughts would be great:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-10-07, 19:55
Could it be that now she has split up from your son, she feels more liberated to be friendly with you, whereas before she felt loyal to him and so kept her distance as well.

Just a thought, but who am I to say?


17-10-07, 20:00
I tend to agree with Ray hun - either way it looks like the doors are opening. I would try and view it as a good thing unless proved otherwise.

Big hugs :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

17-10-07, 20:08
I say lets the doors be opened. It doesn't really matter if you get to see your grandkids eh? Maybe as already said she feels more able to be in touch with you.
Good luck hun!

17-10-07, 20:09
I agree with Ray in that it sounds she wants to get in touch now and knows there isn't the complication of your son.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-10-07, 21:08
Go for it x

17-10-07, 22:29
She is still at it ....

More nice text more piccies

She is so up to something

Luv Kaz x x

17-10-07, 22:31
Ohhhhh sorry thanks for the replies everyone

Maybe im getting paranoid now lol

Kaz x x x

17-10-07, 23:18

Go for it hun. You can get to see your grandchildren. Maybe she is feeling bad for not staying in touch. You don't have anything to lose at this point.

Take Care

17-10-07, 23:30
Can't really say for sure without knowing her Kaz but I can't see why she would start doing this now as a game. Maybe she genuinally wants you to be part of your grandkids life - I would like to think this is the reason anyway. She may just be trying to build bridges, I really hope so.

Be cautious by all means but see how it goes and hopefully you will get to see them again. You don't even have to like her, just be polite and put up with her for the sake of the grand kids if necessary.


Lisa x

17-10-07, 23:46
Thanks all:hugs:

I still dont know....

Im so worried that she will ask if I want to see the kids but....

Kortney is 5 what will it do to her if Im there for a few weeks then banned again????

The little boy I dont know Ive never seen him????

I would love to see them but dont want to screw them up:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-10-07, 23:54
For what it's worth Kaz, I agree with everything that's been said.

There is nothing to lose if you re-establish contact with your daughter-in-law, but everything to gain if it results in you seeing your grandchildren - and they will at least get to know who you are and what they mean to you. :blush:

Let your heart rule your head on this one - the least that could happen is that things remain the same!

Go for it!

lotsa luv to you



18-10-07, 00:03
I do understand what you are saying Kaz :hugs:

Maybe if she does invite you to see the kids, have a chat with her and make it clear you wish it to be a permanent thing and that you are concerned that it will upset the children if you were stopped again - after what has happend I don't think that is unreasonable especially if you word it as concern for the children's welfare, which it is. However hopefully she would not want her kids to be hurt by stopping you again anyway.

I think if you want to see them you may have to take a leap of faith on this one maybe. I really hope it all works out for you as I bet you'll be a fab Grandma :hugs:

Lisa x

18-10-07, 18:37
Hi All:D

Well she sent me another nice chatty e mail today:)

My grandaughter is having a party on Saturday and she has promised to e mail me some photos:D

Think Im gonna have to play this one by ear:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

18-10-07, 22:33
Sounds promising so far Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

Granny Primark
18-10-07, 22:58
Kazzie sorry ive been really busy and havent read your post til now.
As you know im in similar circumstances to you.
I say just let your heart rule your brain in this case.
Grab what happiness you can.
Enjoy every moment of contact that your given with your grandchildren.
Live for today.
Im sure your gonna be a brill grandma.
Im so happy for you.
Id love to see my other grandaughter, not just for my sake but for her sake too.
Sadly theres nothing I can do to change that.
I would love to be able to give my sons child the love me and me hubby are giving my daughters child.

Children are being unecessarily denied the love of grandparents when it isnt their fault.
I remember the special bond and love I had for my grandparents.

Loads and loads of love and good wishes kazzie.
Im always here for you.

Take care

26-10-07, 21:34
Thank you all so much:hugs:

:hugs: Lynn

Im just seeing how it goes at the mo

She is still in touch tho no offer of seeing kids at the mo

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-10-07, 23:04
Im just seeing how it goes at the mo

Sounds good mate :hugs: I do hope it works out well :yesyes:

Lisa x

26-10-07, 23:55
Thats great news Kazz,just play by ear.It would be lovely for you to see them.:yesyes: :yesyes:

27-10-07, 10:00
If the bust-up was specifically with your son it sounds as if his partner, and the mother of your grand children wants to build bridges nowthat they have split as Ray said. I would say go for it and enjoy the two children who would love to see their granny. Maybe she feels guilty you've been cut out of their lives and they probably ask after you, particularly the older one.

27-10-07, 19:28
Thanks everyone:hugs:

Will keep you all posted:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-11-07, 20:26
Hi Again:D

Well Dani has now invited us over to see Kortney my Grandaughter and meet Jayden my Grandson for the first time!!!:wacko:

Shall I go or is She playing games????

Any thoughts please????

By the way it looks like her and my son have split for good!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-11-07, 00:30
Hi Kaz,

I would say go, you haven't got anything to lose by going and everything to gain in seeing your grand kids and they you. Should be great for everyone hopefully :yesyes:

I don't know her to say for sure she is not playing games but it does sound like she is genuinally making an effort here now, and if she were to play games with you and mess you about she would be messing her kids about too and I'm sure no mother wants to do that - at least I'd hope not!

Maybe give her a chance, after all if you don't go I bet you'll regret it? If it does not work out then at least you will know you tried but it sounds like it will all be just fine.

Let us know how it goes if you do go :hugs:

Lisa x