View Full Version : panicky

17-10-07, 20:21
Hi im 37 and have been having panic attack since age 18 ive suffered with anxiety for as long as i remember just some days worse than others.It all started one day when i was sat just thinking that one day i will die and this urge of fear was unreal didnt know what was happening to me.so evevrtime i think of death i have panic attacks .Ion prozac but my anxiety seems to be getting worse. i didnt think so many people feel like this so glad ive found this site.

17-10-07, 20:35
Hi Jinny

welcome to NMP, you are not alone, and I'm sure you will make many good friends here, and lots of good information.

Best wishes


17-10-07, 20:36
Hi Jinny

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP also, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


17-10-07, 20:41
Hi and :welcome:

You are not alone in this so have a good read of all the advice on the website pages and let us know if we can help with anything.

17-10-07, 20:55
Hi Jinny and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-10-07, 20:58
Hi and welcome :)


17-10-07, 21:11
Hello there Panicky:welcome:to you!

We're glad you found us too!

You're not alone, and you'll get plenty of help and support here.

Pleased to meet you!


17-10-07, 23:52
Hi Jinny,

Welcome to the site. Many here can relate to how you feel and you will find support.



18-10-07, 01:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxxx

19-10-07, 10:12
Howdy jinny. Welcome to No More Panic.

Sorry to hear you've been suffering Panic Attacks for so long. Yes, I have to say a fair few people on here have Panic Attacks drawn in from the thoughts of something as frightening as death. The vital thing is to break the cycle of repeating thoughts. There's lot's of good information on distractions on this website such as keeping yourself entertained with things to do like going for a walk, watching T.V or even doing something relaxing as reading a book.

It's pleasurable to have you here, and you'll get all the help you need from all of the friendly and helpful members.

Take care.:)

19-10-07, 17:01

20-10-07, 11:12
Hi Jinny1969....

I am new here too and everyone is great here...i can relate to what you are going through as Anxiety and Panic starts when i think of death too or something bad happening to one of my family or friends...Then its so hard to stop and it takes over.

I took Fluoxetine(Prozac) 2 years ago and it helped me, how long have you been taking it? if you dont mind me asking...

You take care now

Carmel x

20-10-07, 21:00
ive been taking prozac for 8 years accept when i was pregnant i took doithpin

20-10-07, 21:01
ive been on prozac for 8 years accept when pregnant i took dothipin(spelt wrong)