View Full Version : Pulsing in back of head

07-05-20, 01:59
Hello, I have been suffering from anxiety for the last ten years and its presented with many physical symptoms. The one I'm dealing with recently has to do with vertigo. So 2 years ago, I experienced the room spinning when I woke up one morning. I was better with my anxiety at that time, so I didn't do anything about it. I've always had an unsteady balance and some slight ringing in my ears and dizziness on and off since then, but recently it seems to have gotten worse. I'm not sure if this is just due to being in quarantine and being out of work, but I had two episodes of vertigo about a week ago in the same day. The room started spinning violently twice so I went to the hospital. They said fluid was in one of my ears and gave me antibiotics and meclizine. They also did some blood work to rule out anemia. But now I have this horrible head pulsing/ throbbing in the back of my head. It matches to my heart beat and it feels like pressure. It makes me feel dizzy and like I'm going to pass out, but I don't. I don't want to go back to the doc after having gone twice in a week and they didn't seem concerned, but this feeling is awful. I'm a 29 yo female btw. Also, I've been hesitant about taking the meclizine and was wondering if anyone has any experience with it? Thank you!

07-05-20, 02:07
Meclizine is basically just an antihistamine. So it may make you a little sleepy but it absolutely helps with the spinny vertigo sensations. I was diagnosed a few years back with BPPV which is basically positional vertigo, they game me a similar med in the ER and although it knocked me out it took care of the vertigo too. I say go for it, just maybe try it at bedtime first lol.