View Full Version : Blood in urine

07-05-20, 04:14
Getting on for 2 weeks ago (I think the exact date was April 24th), I urinated blood. I obviously, freaked out. Called the doctors, had a urine sample taken, which came back clear.

Nothing happened, so I assumed it was a one off or a small UTI. Until yesterday.

I peed blood again. Worried, (but not freaking out as much this time), I called the doctors and let them know that it happened again. They have organized a blood test and a scan.

Oddly though - it seems to happen after exercise and usually happens 2 times in one episode and that's it. For example, i'll come in from a walk (which I obviously abide government guidelines, in case anyone gets the wrong idea with this part), pee what looks like bright red blood (is actually a transparent brownish-red colour when on a surface), then i'll go again half an hour to an hour later, it'll be the same colour, then after that it will return to normal colour.

There's no additional symptoms like burning or smelly pee. Just bloody pee.

Even though it's probably nothing serious (taking age into consideration, i'm 16) i'm worried about things like bladder cancer e.t.c. because supposedly being male is a risk factor. And also i'm slightly overweight if that may affect anything.
I used google and tried to skip through everything else until I got to the NHS site because I know that is probably the best resource. Although the simple fact that peeing blood can be a sign of bladder cancer makes me assume the worst.

07-05-20, 10:30
Have you eaten beets?

08-05-20, 07:14
Have you eaten beets?
