View Full Version : Another IBS flare up

07-05-20, 20:04
I had lots of problems following an infection in January and February which I posted about here. Went through tons of tests and the only thing that was found was an elevated liver function test, but it since went back to normal. I had a CT scan that was normal. After that I seemed to improve for a few weeks. But in the last few days all the symptoms started coming back! Diarrhea every morning, indigestion, and my guts constantly bubbling and making popping and groaning sounds.

I called the doctor and she suggested I might have a form of “post infectious” IBS. She prescribed an antibiotic called rifaxamin. I hope it helps but I’m still worried. I’m back to googling and stressing about my symptoms! The doctor wants me to do a colonoscopy when the office is open again “just in case” so that made me stress more.

I hate the thought that I might have to live with this for the rest of my life. I know the anxiety makes it worse too. I’m not sure what to do. I just want to be normal.

17-05-20, 14:53
Anyone have some encouragement? The meds aren’t doing anything, and I still have cramps every day. I lost more weight too. It makes me worried something else is going on.

17-05-20, 16:01
I'm sorry you're in pain. I too have been suffering with ibs recently. Stomach cramps and unable to eat. Spending lots of time in the bathroom. Feeling sick. My doctor prescribed buscopan, which have worked for me so far. She said to try to eat little and often. I too have lost weight, but I have to force myself to eat some days. I know mine is anxiety induced. I hope this helps you a little, you're not alone.

Take care, Debbie

17-05-20, 22:33
Hi. I have the popping and rumbling in my stomach too and they keep telling me ibs. I've had this for 6 months. Mostly under my right rib area. Did it start after any antibiotics? Mine did. I've tried probiotics but don't seem to be working.

19-05-20, 22:35
Dee62, Sorry you're not feeling well. I hope the buscopan continues to help. I think mine is partly anxiety induced too.

19-05-20, 22:37
MamaCass, mine started with a food poisoning infection, but I think it got worse after the antibiotics I took for that. Maybe the rumling got worse then but it's hard to remember as it's been almost 6 months for me too!

20-05-20, 08:24
Have you tried going lactose free? My daughter developed reflux after a gastric bug and then started getting stomach problems after eating a lot of dairy. We started with lactose free milk and cutting out a lot of strong dairy. Might be worth a try?

20-05-20, 11:23
Have you been tested for Helicobacter Pylori? It can cause all sorts of issues with the stomach and bowel, there is a test to detect it and they treatment is easy.
Another measure you could try is cutting gluten out of your diet. Often people with IBS are better without it.

20-05-20, 15:00
I’m pretty much lactose free, but I do eat some low lactose dairy like hard cheeses. I haven’t tried gluten free yet so I could give that a try. I never had a problem with gluten before but I guess an intolerance can develop at any time.
Although my dr wants me to try to gain weight before attempting any diets.

I was tested for h pylori and it was negative.

20-05-20, 15:36
And are you taking anything for Ibs then?

21-05-20, 13:43
I’m almost done with a course of Xifaxan that didn’t help much. I have bentyl (antispasmodic) but it makes me a bit woozy so I don’t take it much. I‘m going back to the doctor soon to talk about more treatment options.

31-05-20, 15:14
The urge to go has been waking me up at 5-6 am every morning again. Being tired all the time isn’t helping anything. Seems like I have urgency in the morning no matter what I eat. Maybe it’s anxiety waking me up?

08-06-20, 00:12
My ibs started years ago from a bout of food poisoning. It lasted for about 6-9 months. Eventually it calmed down (with good routines and managing it)

17-06-20, 16:57
I’m having pretty bad health anxiety about this again. I saw the doctor for a follow up and she cleared me and said I have IBS. But she didn’t think I need a colonoscopy. I’ve fixated on that and think there must be something they missed that can only be seen on colonoscopy. I’m still having daily pains in my left side and it was bad this morning. I sat there thinking it must be a tumor.

I’ve also developed disordered eating habits because I was so scared of upsetting my stomach and not sure how to get back to normal.

20-06-20, 22:29
I have been experiencing burning pain after I go, tenesmus (feel like I have to go but nothing is there), and rectal pressure now along with the pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. I read that these are all symptoms of proctitis. Should I ask the doctor about this? I wish I could go for an in person appointment right now as I feel like I can't be fully examined over a video call.

06-07-20, 16:35
I was able to stop thinking about my anxiety for a few days while staying with a friend but now I’m back home and panicking again. The last few days I’ve seen blood when wiping, so now I’m worried about that.

10-08-20, 15:40
Hey can anyone help me with what to say to my GI doctor tomorrow? First appointment after 6 weeks. I’ve been taking an antidepressant that helps my symptoms a little but my bms are still all over the chart, I get uncomfortably full and bloated after eating, and just generally have indigestion every day. It’s so hard to know what is anxiety and what I should take seriously. I’ve tried so much already anything else I can do?

10-08-20, 15:56
Just say what you wrote down - that covers it all really.