View Full Version : Seeing an ambulance brings on my anxiety

17-10-07, 22:46
Ive started to notice when i see an ambulance on a emergency run with its blue lights on and sierns whaling, it brings on my anxiety because when i see one i think straight away someones life is in danger, and i automatically then think of my own worry about dropping dead with my crazy ectopic heart beats.When i see one i also think how fragile the human body must be?I know in the big picture that yes loads of people or born and die every day,and that the body is amazingly resiliant.But at that moment when i see a nambulance i picture a person dying and its start to trigger my anxiety.Does anyone else have anything similar that sounds like that???

17-10-07, 23:37
Hi Neil,

Yes I can get really triggered by seeing an ambulance sometimes too. It often triggers my anxiety.

Saying that I had a road traffic accident a few years back and was rushed to hospital in one myself for the first time (one of my huge fears), but do you know what, I was really calm! I remember telling the ambulance people I suffer form anxiety and they were great. They did my bp and said "wow you have lower bp than most people in an ambulance let alone anxious people!" At the hospital they got me seen quickly due to my anxiety but I stayed calm there too.

I do still get a bit triggered by them though depending on how anxious I am feeling generally.

Sorry no advice as such, but I think you'll find this is quite common among anxiety sufferers and you're not alone with this :hugs:.

Lisa x

18-10-07, 08:46
Hi Neil,

Yes I can get really triggered by seeing an ambulance sometimes too. It often triggers my anxiety.

Saying that I had a road traffic accident a few years back and was rushed to hospital in one myself for the first time (one of my huge fears), but do you know what, I was really calm! I remember telling the ambulance people I suffer form anxiety and they were great. They did my bp and said "wow you have lower bp than most people in an ambulance let alone anxious people!" At the hospital they got me seen quickly due to my anxiety but I stayed calm there too.

I do still get a bit triggered by them though depending on how anxious I am feeling generally.

Sorry no advice as such, but I think you'll find this is quite common among anxiety sufferers and you're not alone with this :hugs:.

Lisa x

Thanks quirky im glad to no im not alone withy this anxiety trigger!!!:D

18-10-07, 09:23
You can add me to the list also. :) I hate ambulances and can get a little OCD in my thoughts about it.

I also feel really sad for the people in the ambulance and what they might be going through too and their families. It can be really hard at times.

So feel reassured that you're not alone on this one.:hugs:

Lisa xx

18-10-07, 10:07
I hate seeing them too. We live on a main road and it's the main route from the ambulance station to a huge housing estate a couple of miles away. As we are near a junction they always put their sirens on when they turn the corner. I have got to the stage now where I just don't look and try to tell myself it's a police car or fire engine instead as they all sound the same to me.

20-10-07, 13:24

It used to have me in a total panic. Now if I see one on the road, I am slightly better although last night there was an ambulance and police van at my flats, turned out man and wife had been in a domestic. I was intrigued to find out what was going on, but I had a terrible night afterwards with bad thoughts and anxiety and panic. Think its gradual exposure. Im rubbish with watching hospital programmes too.

Nice to know Im not alone in thinking like this.

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

20-10-07, 20:06
it seems there are more than a few of us with this fear

22-10-07, 18:33
Hello all,

I also get this if I see any blue lights flashing also if I go to hospital doctors etc x