View Full Version : Groin pain

09-05-20, 02:29

Over the past week I have been having bad pain down there, one time it was so bad that it actually woke me up in the middle of the night. It is a cramping pain right below the lower abdomen at the front of the private area. I had it a couple of times last year so its not totally out of the blue for me.

Sorry at how tmi this is, but can trapped wind create this kind of pain? It does worry me but I have noticed whenever I get this pain I am also bloated at the lower abdomen with back pain and it tends to calm once I can pass gas. I’ve noticed the pain also in my sides and sometimes in my pelvis. Initially I thought it was hormone related because the cramping area is kind of similar to menstruation.

To be honest I’m mostly worried as I’m 26 and have not yet had the smear. I went when I received the letter but unfortunately for some reason it hurt so bad that although I didn’t request to stop the lady stopped the test. Since then I’ve been trying to mentally prepare myself to go and get it done again and hopefully not fail it. I’ve had the hpv jab but of course i should still be checked and every time I get a symptom like this I start to worry.

09-05-20, 09:44
It does sound like wind, especially as you say you're bloated at the same time. Trapped wind can cause really sharp, intense pain.

You should still get your smear some of course, even though you're very unlikely to have cervical cancer, especially with with HPV jab - and cancer wouldn't normally cause that kind of pain anyway.