View Full Version : Pain in left armpit area

09-05-20, 12:00
Hi Everyone

I just wanted to check in to see how common pain under the left arm is,

It dosnt feel exactly in the armpit, more here 5048

Its more a dull ache, pretty constant, throbs occasionally sometimes feels like a burn, and i get a bit of tingle/pings and needles type sensation particularly in my index finger from time to time but not always when this is present

It seems if i have any form of alcohol it brings it on a little more (which brings a whole new array of C Fear) but possibly there is a psychological link instead

Its causing me great concern to be honest, around the typical big C type fears, especially as i have some other things going on up in the next on same side, possible result of a tooth infection there however as neck ultrasound was clear.

Recent GP visit done a full set of bloods including some additional blood film? type test, and all normal.

Im quite concerned it to be the big C, but trying to rationalise it with
- Bloods are good
- no weight loss, night sweats
- Lymph nodes arnt really in that particular area

I do have other issues going on like intense globus (yet to be diagnosed by ENT, Bad insomnia etc)

13-05-20, 03:29
bump, hoping others have had this, googling anxiety pain under left arm actually has results which is good