View Full Version : Had some red wine earlier and now have some chest burning??

10-05-20, 21:39
Hello everyone

so I had about 2-3 small glasses of red wine with lunch.

As I was sitting outside, I felt I had this sharp burning sensation on the right side of my chest.

It felt like heartburn but I am wondering if it is not something more sinister like heart issues.

The pain comes and goes.

I am 29 with no underlying issues except for some cholesterol which I control with medicine.

I do enjoy red wine but I don’t drink it often. Plus I had hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch. Maybe this is heartburn.

10-05-20, 22:24
Hotdogs. And hamburgers. And three glasses of wine.

Of course it's heartburn.

10-05-20, 22:32
+1 for heartburn. Take some gaviscone if you're allowed.

10-05-20, 22:39
+1 for heartburn. Take some gaviscone if you're allowed.

ok thank you. I have heartburn like this. The burning pain in my chest comes and goes but it is better.

I already took some tums tablets.

10-05-20, 23:28
ok thank you. I have heartburn like this. The burning pain in my chest comes and goes but it is better.

I already took some tums tablets.

I suffer from heartburn too and it really does come in all forms. Stabbing pain, pressure feeling, burning feeling, lump in back. It's all the same lol

11-05-20, 13:25
I suffer from heartburn too and it really does come in all forms. Stabbing pain, pressure feeling, burning feeling, lump in back. It's all the same lol

Oh ok. So last night and this morning I felt the same off and on burning sensation in my ribs. I’m wondering if I have a triggered some gastritis. Seems like the last couple years I have bouts of gastritis that have gone on for a month or so and then just disappear

11-05-20, 14:10
Have something very similar going on as well. Burning right under the ribs etc. had some mild heartburn at first and kind of let it go . Now its worsened . Pepcid 2x a day didnt help much. Nexium has made a big dent in it - only plan on taking it for the 2 week course . Seems like once its gone it wont return for a while here as well .

11-05-20, 16:41
Have something very similar going on as well. Burning right under the ribs etc. had some mild heartburn at first and kind of let it go . Now its worsened . Pepcid 2x a day didnt help much. Nexium has made a big dent in it - only plan on taking it for the 2 week course . Seems like once its gone it wont return for a while here as well .

The odd thing is I was tested for H Pylori two years ago and it came back negative. It was weird.

today I have had the same burning sensation under my right rib. I notice it happens after I eat.

In the back of my mind however I am always concerned that it could be a heart issue

11-05-20, 17:32
Same here was tested twice for h-pylori , negative both times.

11-05-20, 17:33
If you do suffer from heartburn or gas quite often then it might be worth speaking to your GP and they can prescribe you some Omeprazole which can prevent heartburn if you know you're going to be eating heavy foods.