View Full Version : Tinnitus is now driving me mad!!

Elly 2
18-10-07, 11:19
Hi all, well something else is wrong with me now, a while ago I asked if anyone got the same peculiar smell as me. Well it's changed from a burning smell to a yeasty type smell and a metallic taste nearly all the time BUT I now have tinnitus aswell aaaaagh!! I've had tinnitus on and off for years but just lived with it but now it's driving me MAD. Doc doesn't know what it is, he's a total waste of space! another doc I saw also doesn't know what it is, another waste of space! Has anyone got any ideas? PLEASE!! x

18-10-07, 21:31
Have you been to see an ENT consultant since all this started??? The weird smells and the tinnitus could be connected - you could have low grade infection in the sinuses and your ear could be bunged up. If you have been given the all clear by ENT I can't think what else.

Elly 2
19-10-07, 08:58
Thanks countrygirl, yes I have seen ENT but no further forward with diagnosis. Guess I'll just have to live with it! Thanks anyway