View Full Version : First Panic Attack

18-10-07, 14:30
Hi I am a 37 year old Mum of two, who up until recently worked five days a week in a company where I have worked for 13 years. I had two weeks holiday booked and on the second day I woke up during the night, my heart thumping and felt really bad. This went on for the first week and I was unable to get much sleep, and ended up in hospital for tests which all proved negative. It then took me about three trips to the doctors to get one who actually listened and took me seriously and she put me on Citalopram, unfortunately this one didn't work because I couldn't sleep, so am now on 30mg Mirtazapine and 10mg propranalol which have proved effective. Apparently it seems this was brought on by stress and wanting to make everyone happy, which I now know you can't do when you have two children that need your attention as well, I have now cut down my working week to four days and part-time hours and have had six sessions of hypnotherapy as well which has taught me how to breathe properly and calm myself down when I get too stressed, just looking for other ideas on how other people cope when this happens because it is very scary when it happens for the first time and you have no idea what is causing it or what the matter is.

Look forward to receiving some replies soon. Thanks for taking the time to read this as well.


PS Positive thinking really does help as well.

18-10-07, 14:59
Hello Banana And Welcome To The Site Yes Positive Thinking Is The Big Key...........best To Ya.....linda

18-10-07, 16:32
Hi Banana,

Welcome to the site. I try calming myself down by taking warm baths, smelling lavendar, reading and generally doing things I like. Right now I am in a bad way but it is due to health issues. You will find a lot of support here.



18-10-07, 18:31
Hi Banana

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will find some great advice, support and make new friends too.:smile: make sure you check out the Symptoms, How to cope and First step pages also that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page, theres some great info there to help too.:)


18-10-07, 18:42
Hi Banana

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

18-10-07, 20:37
Hi Banana and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The pages on the left are a great place to start when looking for tips on how to cope.

Take care,

Mike :)

18-10-07, 21:09
Hello banana:welcome:to you!

Well, you're certainly doing all the right things at the moment - and you'll find plenty more help and support here!

Know how you feel - I'm still learning how to say 'no' sometimes.

Pleased to meet you!


19-10-07, 09:30
Greetings banana, and a very bananery (in this, case meaning big) welcome to you.

What you did describe seemed to be a Panic Attack, with the unpleasent feeling and thumping of the heart when you get very nervous. I can so understand how you feel. You'll probably have noticed Panic Attacks give you the illusion that you feel as though you're about to die when one gets really strong, but I just like to ensure you, that no matter how intense they get, they'll never kill you. In a way, it's a bit like normal Panic getting your body prepaired for danger, only it's like a false alarm when there's no danger present at all.

They're a big nuisance, mind you when they occur. I have to read a book or watch T.V when a Panic Attack begins and it usually helps ease the shakyness, tenseness and the strange mental symtoms I get. Distrations are the key thing to anxiety/panic and stress and as Groovygranny stated you're doing all the right chocies in aid of your recovery. Cutting down your work hours was a wise move for the time being I feel as it takes away some of the stress making you less vulnerable to panic.

I deeply wish you lot's of luck and hope you feel better soon, particularly with all the friendly helpful members here to give full support to people in the same position as us.:)

19-10-07, 16:28
Thanks for all your messages, been into work today and my boss just did the same thing and just dumped everything on me, so I think it is the job that is giving me the stress that causes me to panic. Have therefore applied for three jobs, less hours, unfortunately less pay but that's life.

Thanks for all your messages of support nice to know I am not alone.

Will keep plodding away at things and see how it goes.
