View Full Version : Trying to deal with HOT FLASHES

18-10-07, 15:02
Hey guys,

I used to have severe panic and anxiety for a while, but now I only get it in certain situations. I am starting to discover that heat plays a big role in my anxiety, as heat makes me feel woozy,sleepy and tired and that starts to concern me and in turn i get anxious.

However its not as simple as that, I spent a week in Florida at 115F and I was fine. However when I get anxious on a bus or train for example I get severe hot flashes.its not that I am just "hot", its more of a burning hot sensation all over my body..and its sort of dry heat, because my body isnt sweating,but I am still REALLY hot.

This has been my main issue for a while now and I've gotten rid of many other issues, but cant seem to rid myself of this one.

I've been trying to associate feeling hot with feeling good, but its still hard to do. I can get really anxious, but as soon as AC is turned on I am back to normal.

I was just wondering if any of you guys have experienced this, or are going through this and what are some things you do to cope. To deal with your body feeling hot? what are some ways to rewire my brain into not being afraid of heat? what are some dangers with having such body heat(although I once checked my body temperature during this and it was fine, so im pretty sure its a sensation but a very strong one)?

any help or advice or input is appreciated


18-10-07, 21:11
Hi Jabz
I dont know how old you are, but i am 49 and am smack bang in the middle of the menapause (oh boy, its wonderful!!!). I have also been suffering with a reoccurrance of pa's and anxiety for about the last 3 months. My GP told me that if you are suseptable to anxiety etc, there are certains times in your life it is likely to rear its ugly head or increase. He says its all to do with hormones, hence, adolecense, post natal, menapause etc.
I suffer quite bad with hot flushes - I dont know whether its the menpause or my anxiety, or both. It can be very distressing and embarassing, especially when its happens at work and in public. I go a brilliant shade of scarlet and the sweat can drip from my face. I have a fan permanently placed by my desk at work - and I just sit in front of it and wait for it to pass - it dos'nt usually last long. I just keep telling myself that hopefully they will stop soon.
Hope this helps


27-08-10, 19:33
hi stan i to hate being hot brings on my attacks if i put the ac on im ok

28-08-10, 21:57

I get this too..... and it is sooo uncomfortable!

Like you, i am fine once the ac is on, or i open a window or fan myself..... but when im in a crowded room or somewhere where i feel my anxiety rising, then my whole body burns up... its like its on fire, but i dont sweat either.
I also get a blotchy chest and neck when this is happening which makes it very embarrasin! My cheecks burn too... its a horrible horrible symptom, and like you... i am now afraid of being hot!! I think its a threat when it shouldnt be... I always have to have a window open if im in a room, otherwise i feel very suffocated and this symptom starts.

Im unable to give any advice on how to stop this, because i havnt found a solution yet! But its reassuring to know im not the only one this happens too xx