View Full Version : Dizzyness and Words Move

18-10-07, 19:08
Sometimes when i experience some anxiety i'll be reading the newspaper and the words will begin to move from side to side. When I calm down it seems to stop, but its hard to because it tends to increase the anxiety. Has anyone else experienced this or know if this is normal?


18-10-07, 22:51
I experience something similar - my eyes are constantly out of focus and take a good while to focus on detailed things.

19-10-07, 00:21
Hi Franklin,

Yes I have had this happen. Mostly while using computer. Next time try to get your mind busy on something else. An remember this to shall pass.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better

19-10-07, 09:03

Hi Franklin,

I often get those symptoms especially the dizziness when I am anxious. I also find it difficult to focus. I think they are typical symptoms of anxiety as we tend to overbreathe and begin to hyperventilate. You need to slow down your breathing, take 3 steady deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Hope it helps!!!

TC xxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

19-10-07, 10:37
you could have a slight vestibular disorder,but either way this site will help you ...........

www.eyecanlearn.com (http://www.eyecanlearn.com) :yesyes:

19-10-07, 21:50
I had this recently too. I thought I had a brain tumor or ms or my eyes were going, but it was just anxiety! When I stopped stressing about it, it completely went away. I have it once in awhile still, but only when I think about it or am anxious about something. It's especially bad on the computer, I notice.

Take care!

20-10-07, 02:31
I have to be honest, i have suffered with this for the past 2 months... but a few days ago i've said f**k you anxiety, f**k you these feelings, and while sometimes i feel anxious, but i saw f**k you and i've never felt better. I feel like i've beaten it, maybe in the future i'll have a few bad days, but i've decided f**k you!!!

ps. sorry for the language

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21-10-07, 13:00

Hello :) - just wanted to add that I am sure it's perfectly normal, and nothing to worry about. The fact that it stops when you are calm, would indicate it's just anxiety.

The only other thing I can think of is Nystagmus, although I think it's unlikely. That's some sort of involuntary eye movement, often caused by inner ear problems. I am sure Mirry knows all about it :winks:

However, I've just read your last post and you've told it all to F**k off, so I will say no more, and hope it does as it's told!

xxx :flowers:

21-10-07, 16:08
Yes, I have been feeling good for a little while now. I just got mad at it, started excerising more, used it as an excuse to start some new hobbies. Since then I haven't had one anxious day or a day of panic attack. It took a while and a lot of determination, but even if I have a slight feeling of anxiety my mind almost steps in automatically and shuts it down. I don't know how to explain it, all I can say is keep a strong mind and fight!

12-11-07, 05:47
Don't know if this will help.. but sometimes when i sit down to read the print looks like little bugs ,till I put on my reading glasses :-) Little joke there hope you didn't mind.

You know ... over the years I have experienced some really odd things with my eyes.Not all now but over the years. Once I saw purple everywhere.streaks in every light.. never found out what that was.. Other times I would get lightning bolts in my eyes even when I closed them.That was scarry and would last sometimes for hours..Found out they call that an opitcal migrane..Other times I would see things move or things out the corner of my eyes..

Or I would see things that weren't there. Just for a second. There were times I actually thought I might be clavoiant and seeing ghost .Then I realised its mostly eye strain or shadows or things that happen that is pretty normal.

The last few years I have had someone really odd happen to me,although it is a little scarry to me ..I haven't really given much thought. I will be driving slowly ,cruisin around and when I stop ,it feels like the ground and my surroundings are still going. I have no idea what this is but it happens from time to time.

I think most of us get some sort of optical disturbance perhaps from anxiety or maybe we get a fluke of an optical illusion caused by nature or the surroundings or lighting. Here we live a mile and a half closer to the sun than most people. We are at over 8000 ft. Catoracts and Glaucaoma are common here and also with the ancient aborigines snow blindness.

Its 360 days of strong sunlight.There is a weird haze that settles and the glare makes you feel as though you are losing your mind.It affects everybody but not many people mention it. You move here and see everyone wearing sunglasses and think they are all trying to be kool..and find out two years later they were the smart ones"protecting their eyes' lol

Anyway Im just saying it really depends on how old you are.Have you had an eye exam? I went to the eye doctor a few years ago for a check up and he asked me if I knew how long it had been since my last visit. I told him not really...maybe a year or so..He told me 13 years lol.. Maybe you and I should at least go to the eye doctor every so often "just to make sure" And at least we wont have to worry about that.Or at the very least if its eye trouble then we can get correction on it.Take care ,don't worry I think its temporary.Go to the eye doctor and then stop worrying. Be happy :-)