View Full Version : Reassurance IF possible.

11-05-20, 11:15
Hello,me again unfortunately.
I am struggling atm, and with a 1 year old its not good. Im well in myself heath wise i THINK, but i feel like im so tensed all around my chest belly arms neck etc, im finding it hard to breath, or more of im forcing myself to breath well it feels like i am, or im breathing to much but then to little.. im not sleeping well because of it and its scaring me so much i just keep crying, luckily i have the babys Dad here helping me while in lockdown but i just aint coping im scared im short of breath because of covid but that would be my only symptom, also i can talk normally without being out of breath so does that mean im not actually short of breath? When i realise in feeling this way i notice im tensed again and then try relax my muscles but its just a vicious circle. Ive called my gp today but said they would call me back i suppose i just want reasurrance that im ok i suppose, and maybe more details of what short of breath actually is would it make me out of breath? Cos im not. I just feel like im frocing myself to breath and like i said the tension isnt helping either i dont physically gasp for air but i do feel like i need a massive breath here and there. Sorry to bother you all again and any replies would be appricated thank you x

11-05-20, 11:19
You're okay, I promise, it's just your anxiety playing nasty tricks on you.

Hang in there, okay? :hugs:

11-05-20, 11:21
Thank you, means alot. Its just horrible because you know deep down its anxiety but then other things run through your mind and you have no idea then if its anxiety or something more you know. Hope your days going good!

11-05-20, 11:24
Not bad, thanks. I'm working, but at a fairly relaxed pace. I'd rather be asleep though ;)

11-05-20, 11:27
Haha me to! Im shattered, take its easy!!

11-05-20, 11:27
You too! If the anxiety hits again, drop me a message, okay?

11-05-20, 11:35
Its just the feeling of it you know,so scary and i dont even know what to do about it :( but thank you so much !

11-05-20, 11:40
I agree with Blue. In this weird situation, the added stress of a 1 year old and not sleeping very well can easily make you think you can't breathe.

The problem with forcing yourself to breathe is that you end up getting into the habit of hyperventilating....which makes you feel short of breath. As hard as it is, you just need to ignore the sensation and try and breathe through your nose as much as possible, it does make a difference.

Also, this is peak allergy season, you might find that you're constantly feeling like you're swallowing...(ugh) mucus. This (surprise surprise) can make you feel ​short of breath, even when you're not.

11-05-20, 11:44
Yea this makes sense because when i do forget about it for a little i dont feel like it,and then bam my mind wonders again :( thanks for your reply too! I just wish it was easy to switch it off as easy as it is for it to just come.. i feel like ive been doing so well and now im back to square one again:(

11-05-20, 11:50
Happens to all of us every now and again - don't sweat it.

11-05-20, 12:00
I feel alot better since this conversation so that helps! Might go for a walk later see if that helps me also.

11-05-20, 12:13
Yea this makes sense because when i do forget about it for a little i dont feel like it,and then bam my mind wonders again :( thanks for your reply too! I just wish it was easy to switch it off as easy as it is for it to just come.. i feel like ive been doing so well and now im back to square one again:(

Try and challenge your mental dialogue a bit.

Wishing something was easy can only lead to one result, frustration. Try and just accept it for what it is.

Telling yourself you're back to square one....are you really? Are you saying that everything you've learned about how to deal with anxiety now counts for nothing simply because you're experiencing something you don't like? I don't think that's true at all, is it?

These might sound like minor points, but anxiety both physical and mental is most often layers of minor stress, not always, but usually. Negative mental habits (and we're all guilty of them) are something that we CAN take control of. Our reaction to a situation is often worse than the reality of the situation itself.

11-05-20, 12:23
Your right, this is just a blip & i can overcome this.

I find that what is more worrying is making myself truly believe its just my anxiety rather then something you know more alarming,

My GP has rang me back and gave me some diazepam and gave me breathing techniques she said she thinks its more anxiety related cos of the tension aswell so im abit more reassured thankfully. Just need to change my mindset.. which is something i do find hard!

11-05-20, 13:01
Just need to change my mindset.. which is something i do find hard!

That's why it's important to practice every single day.