View Full Version : The dreaded amoeba...

11-05-20, 16:30
Firstly, I hate that I'm even typing this because it's ridiculous. But, I've been locked down in my house for 61 days and I just need a bit of extra support at this point. Yesterday we power washed our deck. When I was detaching the connector to the spray gun extra water from inside the unit (from the garden hose) shot out and right into my face and forcefully up my nose. I blew out as much as a could and showered to get cleaned off, but it really freaked me out.

I'm not a brain eating amoeba person typically, but I'm kind of at the end of my rope. So far our dish washer broke, computer broke, toilet overflowed and leaked through our dining room ceiling, cell coverage phone screen smashed, and this morning our clothes drier broke. Additionally, my brother was in the ICU yesterday with diabetic ketoacidosis and my brother in law's first baby was born yesterday and we can't go see him. That splash of hose water into my nose was just the icing on the cake of this stupid isolation period.

I know the chances of anything happening are almost 0 but this one time I just need some of the weight off my shoulders by asking for a bit of reassurance. My Ativan can only go so far and my next therapy appointment isn't until next week.

Thank you!!

11-05-20, 16:39
Nope, seriously, its not brain eating amoeba, it's just your brain shorting out from all that stress.

11-05-20, 17:18
Thanks, blue. I know it's ridiculous, I just don't have a lot of resources left to fight off the worry!! I'm also two months out from a major surgery that I had to reschedule from this week to July because of Covid. My first time out of the house in three months will likely be to doctors for pre-op testing and it's such a major black cloud over my head!

11-05-20, 17:19
No wonder your anxiety's acting up! :bighug1:

11-05-20, 18:59
Wow, Erin, your household is really on a roll for problems! Your anxiety is just looking for a place to land.

Don't worry about the hose water. I wouldn't have even thought about the amoeba if it happened to me.

I hope your brother gets better soon. :hugs:

11-05-20, 19:12
Think about how much water kids snort or swallow in the garden during summer. Always straight out of the hosepipe.

11-05-20, 19:58
Thanks, everyone!