View Full Version : Rib pain getting worse and triggering health anxiety...

11-05-20, 21:09
Hi guys

2 weeks ago on Sunday just gone I woke up with terrible rib pain on my left hand side. I was almost 36 weeks pregnant at the time and the pain started the day before. 111 sent me to A&E and I had to have x-rays and a CTPA scan (I think thats what it was called, it was a CT scan with dye injected in first) to check for pulmonary embolism. Also had blood tests and heart trace.

Anyway good news is no pulmonary embolism and they said the pain is muscular but I can't believe this is true as its so painful and the pain is getting worse as time goes on. Its so much worse now than it was when it started. I am almost 38 weeks pregnant now and the pain is so bad in the mornings I am crying. I am so scared that its something serious and that is why it is getting worse not better.

Trying to rationalise it, I know I had the x-ray and CTPA of my chest area and the other tests and the drs are saying its muscular but I am so scared they missed something. I am worrying about bone c-word and allsorts :( please be kind to me as my anxiety is sky high due to being pregnant during the pandemic anyway and I am due to have my baby soon. I just needed to get this out somewhere if that makes sense?

Cause I can feel the pain under my ribs as well I am worrying its my liver or another organ. I think deep down what frightens me is something bad happening and me not being there for my husband or daughter. I think this is a basis of all my health anxiety, its the losing control/not being here that scares me.

My action plan is to do what I can to distract myself and keep rationalising my fears rather than repeatedly Googling or asking my husband for reassurance. Honestly, having health anxiety, being heavily pregnant AND living through a pandemic is such a challenge at the moment but I think I am doing ok :blush:

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx :hugs:

11-05-20, 22:13
Just to back up what the doctors said. Muscle pain can be literally debilitating. As an example, back in the days when I was heavy into body building, I blew out my legs doing my leg workout (squats, dead lifts etc.). The next day I could barely walk! I had to sit on my butt and scoot down the steps because the pain was so bad I literally could not walk down the stairs! It was even worse the next day! I also get occasional muscular back and hip pain and it wakes me up at night. So yeah.... You're also mega prego and that's gonna cause some stress and strain on your body and like you said, your stress levels are even more amplified due to the pandemic. It's the like perfect anxiety storm.

Best wishes for and birth of your little one and as always...

Positive thoughts

11-05-20, 23:27
I agree with Fishman regarding muscle pain. It can be excruciating. I pulled a muscle in my neck a few years ago and my God I thought I was going to die with the pain. Didn't think a muscle could be so sore, but now I know.
And I wasn't ok the next day either, or the day after that. I can't remember exactly how long it was painful for but it was a good while.

I'd listen to the doctors. They checked you over, did a few tests and diagnosed muscular pain. And the fact that you're heavily pregnant is putting extra pressure on your body.

Anxiety is just making you think the worst, and it's putting doubt in your head about what the doctors told you.

Practice some relaxing techniques and enjoy these last few days before the little one comes along.

And the very best of luck with it xx

12-05-20, 21:50
Just to back up what the doctors said. Muscle pain can be literally debilitating. As an example, back in the days when I was heavy into body building, I blew out my legs doing my leg workout (squats, dead lifts etc.). The next day I could barely walk! I had to sit on my butt and scoot down the steps because the pain was so bad I literally could not walk down the stairs! It was even worse the next day! I also get occasional muscular back and hip pain and it wakes me up at night. So yeah.... You're also mega prego and that's gonna cause some stress and strain on your body and like you said, your stress levels are even more amplified due to the pandemic. It's the like perfect anxiety storm.

Best wishes for and birth of your little one and as always...

Positive thoughts

Thank you :) You are absolutely right about muscle pain and that it can be debilitating. I remember hurting my legs pretty badly after doing a heavy kettle bells session with a PT years ago, I was walking down the stairs like a crab and couldn't get off the toilet without help!

I feel a bit better today, pain wise and anxiety. The pains been bad for just over a fortnight but today it finally feels like it is starting to ease. I've not even needed any pain relief.

Been focusing on other things and distracting myself as much as possible. I am in so much of a stronger headspace than I was a few years ago. If someone could have told me back then that I would be having a baby during a pandemic I'd have laughed, but I am actually doing alright all things considered! I think having health anxiety kinda prepares you in a way for these worse case scenarios. When they actually happen they aren't as bad as our brain has you believe whilst you were worrying!

12-05-20, 21:54
Thank you :) I am feeling so much better today and can finally feel it easing off. Its one of the most painful things I'd ever experienced though, ribs are a bad one to do cause you keep using the muscles just to breathe so they are constantly working.

Being heavily pregnant (with a big baby as well who is set to be up to 9lb or more if shes stays put 'til her due date!) definitely puts strain on it. If I lie on the side where the ribs are pulled it hurts, but if I lie on the other side the weight of my belly dragging down hurts them too so I just have to strategically arrange my massive birthing pillow in a way that supports me. There was barely any room for my poor husband in bed last night with all the pillows and supports lol!

Definitely going to focus on distracting myself and taking care of myself over the last few days/weeks before she is here. Thanks xx

12-05-20, 21:59
Thank you :) You are absolutely right about muscle pain and that it can be debilitating. I remember hurting my legs pretty badly after doing a heavy kettle bells session with a PT years ago, I was walking down the stairs like a crab and couldn't get off the toilet without help!

I feel a bit better today, pain wise and anxiety. The pains been bad for just over a fortnight but today it finally feels like it is starting to ease. I've not even needed any pain relief.

Been focusing on other things and distracting myself as much as possible. I am in so much of a stronger headspace than I was a few years ago. If someone could have told me back then that I would be having a baby during a pandemic I'd have laughed, but I am actually doing alright all things considered! I think having health anxiety kinda prepares you in a way for these worse case scenarios. When they actually happen they aren't as bad as our brain has you believe whilst you were worrying!

That's good to hear and you're right to a certain extent. Sometimes, with imaginary illnesses and fears, the mental pain is far worse than the actual physical pain if that makes sense. When we're faced with a real situation such as this pandemic and other real illnesses, we have a choice to make and its human nature to fight for survival. I know of just a few here that faced their fear and their anxiety took a back seat while they dealt with it. It also has remained in the back seat since. Hopefully, this real crisis we're facing will help make some people mentally stronger in the future.

Positive thoughts