View Full Version : Who do you turn to?

11-05-20, 22:36
Hi, I'm Tod and I've had health anxiety for about 20 years but it's getting worse, despite having regular counselling. What I wanted to know is where you guys turn when you have a health spike. Do you ask family or friends or do you go straight to your doctor? My family are fed up with my health anxiety and I just wondered where I should look for help. Any advice would be very welcome

12-05-20, 00:08
The goal, IMO, is to turn to yourself and not have to seek reassurance. While I realize we're in the midst of a pandemic, real life help is still the choice. If you're mentally in a place to do so, there's self help (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) as well.

Positive thoughts

12-05-20, 05:19
FMP's advice is sensible, but I'd like to add something - nobody's an island, after all.

From experience, I used to drive my husband mad with my health anxiety. However, your loved ones can be a really great source of help so long as you combine their support with your own inner strength.

When I start to feel myself slipping, the question I always ask my other half is "Am I being irrational?" This the thing about mental illnesses, they distort our perception of reality. If I'm told that yes, I'm being irrational, I take it on board and bear that in mind, then start employing all the coping strategies I have in my arsenal to get back to a point where I'm seeing more clearly.

The trick is to ask for help with your MH issues, and to only ask once.

12-05-20, 09:07
Ha ha I think there should be a forum for hypochondriacs families and friends. I feel sorry for my family. My wife and I have come to an agreement. I can ask at the weekend. During the week I work on self reassurance. This is a new strategy so dont know how it will work. I figured that reassurance is an addiction and I need to ween myself off it

12-05-20, 17:44
Ha ha I think there should be a forum for hypochondriacs families and friends. I feel sorry for my family. My wife and I have come to an agreement. I can ask at the weekend. During the week I work on self reassurance. This is a new strategy so dont know how it will work. I figured that reassurance is an addiction and I need to ween myself off it
That's very interesting, only asking at the weekend. It does sound like something that might work, especially if you're not able to completely cut out getting any reassurance.
I'd be very curious to see how it goes for you. Weening yourself off reassurance sounds like a very good idea.

Let us know how it goes for you :)

13-05-20, 11:48
I figured it is similar to any other addition. We will see

14-05-20, 08:37
I think that's a great strategy, pav. Everyone in your circle of family and friends must be aware of this though so that if you start asking for reassurance from them as opposed to your partner (during the week) they can remind you of your commitment and not enable your HA!!

16-05-20, 10:49
I think that's a great strategy, pav. Everyone in your circle of family and friends must be aware of this though so that if you start asking for reassurance from them as opposed to your partner (during the week) they can remind you of your commitment and not enable your HA!!

Yeah I have done that. I generally just pester my poor wife though.

16-05-20, 20:07
I love the idea of asking at the weekend! I have a few friends who I have made online using this and other anxiety forums and a I tend to turn to them. I also have a therapist although I haven’t seen her since we’ve been in lockdown. My husband is mostly unsympathetic after all these years and doesn’t want to hear it, or doesn’t listen. Maybe that’s inevitable living with someone who has HA but it makes me sad and I often wish I had a partner who was more understanding.