View Full Version : Afraid to take Verapamil

11-05-20, 23:40
My cardiologist prescribed me them to take as needed for palps. Its 40mg. I'm afraid to take them
I'm having palps so I want to take one but I'm so afraid of reacting badly to it. Can anyone give mr aficd on how they felt after taking it? Or how to fight the fear of taking one?

12-05-20, 00:01
Here's the thing. Its a "Catch 22" for you based on your post history. You have a fear of heart issues and a fear of meds. Well, you pursued your heart fears to the point a doctor prescribed a med to treat the symptoms of your anxiety. He gave you a med that can treat the heart symptoms caused by your anxiety and you're between a rock and a hard place! My opinion? Either take the meds and be done with it or treat your anxiety which is the root of your symptoms :shrug:

Positive thoughts

12-05-20, 01:13
Your right. I guess I never saw it that way. I was in the process of switch drs until this mess happened so now I'm kinda stuck in the middle. Thank you for that perspective. I have just seen it as a circle of never ending madness.