View Full Version : Can’t feel certain muscles working

12-05-20, 17:17
It’s been a long time since I posted here. For the most part my health anxiety is under control and but for the last couple of days my minds be up to its old games.

My health anxiety started with body wide fasics 4 years ago and have seen a neuro some 3 1/2 years ago should rule out anything nasty as I’m still alive and functional today. However I still can’t shake the feeling in the back on my mind.

Basically I feel certain muscles working and exerting effort “feeling the burn” on my right but not on my left side. E.g lower back if I do deadlifts the right side feels pumped but the left doesn’t really feel like it was working at all, same thing with my abs left doesn’t feel much in the way of burn but the right does and most concerning in my mind is with my legs when I’m out for a walk I can feel my groin and hamstring working in my right leg but not my left. It’s like a whole bunch of muscles aren’t working and I have no control over them is how it’s playing out in my head and my left side is using other muscles to compensate which gets me circling the neuro nasty drain again.

It’s just something I don’t need right now as my first bout with health anxiety left me chronically anxious and with sensorimotor OCD which I’ve started working on quite successfully with my counsellor.

I mean with I’ve basically got hyper awareness still 4 years on which is what I’m working hard at in counselling and a change in medication has helped reduce overall levels of anxiety greatly but this keeps eating at me. Rationally I think it’s hyper awareness and tension magnifying things but GAD says nope you need to worry about this. Feels like I can’t get from under this!

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12-05-20, 18:26
It is hyper-awareness. You're not supposed to feel your muscles unless they're sore or there's another problem.

12-05-20, 18:31
Your muscles are working, if your left side was using other muscles to compensate, you'd have major symptoms that anyone could see.

Are you right handed? I am, and I find when I lift weights I have to go out of my way to make sure I'm balancing the weight properly or my left side doesn't do an equal share of the work. Apparently I'm too much in the habit of relying on my right side to do the bulk of the lifting, even outside the gym. My dance teacher pointed out years ago that she could see the difference in muscling in my back when she looked at me from behind, and chided me to work on my left side more.

12-05-20, 21:31
I am right handed yes, it’s almost like draw a line down my body and on the left side I have trouble flexing/activating muscle. I do seem to carry a lot of tension on my left hand side but it’s just always felt like the muscles I use on the right aren’t the same ones that get used on the left. I have a fallen arch on my left and wonder if it contributes anything to my perceived leg issues? I also feel like sometimes I’m about to fall over and have to re balance which I know could be from tensing and anxiety.

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15-05-20, 14:45
Bro if you’re doing deadlifts I don’t think you have to worry about any sort of muscle issues lol. There is a reason they are called deadlifts. They require your entire body and activate your entire neural chain, if parts weren’t working you would be struggling to do them massively if not at all