View Full Version : I feel like such a burden all the time

14-05-20, 22:49
I’m just so miserable all the time and feel like I’m bringing everyone down with me. I try to act like I’m ok but it’s really hard when I just want someone to talk to and then I can’t even do that.

Like what do I actually do if I’m down and want to talk to someone? Is it normal to send a message like “I’m feeling down can we talk” or “I’m feeling down can you distract me for a while” I feel like that’s just attention seeking.

I try not to let people know when I’m down but it’s at least once a week I’m doing it now and I feel like I’m annoying people. I’m such a burden. I normally just put a story up on my Snapchat with a sad face So people message me and ask what’s up and I know that’s immature and it probably annoys people more. However I don’t know why else to do this the only way I can open up to people. Then I never say what’s wrong anyway out of fear of coming across weird or being judge. I just tell them I’m down for no reason and hope they give me some comfort.

Even if some asks how I am and I say “not great” I feel guilty and like I’ve ruined their day. If someone asks how my day was and I say “boring” I feel like I’m being miserable and bringing them down again. I just feel like people would be better off without me.

I want to talk to my boyfriend tonight but he’s playing video games and I don’t want to bring him down by sending him a message saying I’m sad. I feel like I’ll just end up pushing people away in the end, but I really want some comfort right now.

15-05-20, 00:12
Have you seen your Dr about this matter as you may have anxiety/depression and may need some medication for this. We are living in unprecedented times so it's not unusual for people to feel this way.

Take care