View Full Version : Worried I may have overdone it on iron

15-05-20, 09:50
I've been anemic on and off since I was about 16 (I'm 25 now) and have been on iron supplements several times over the years. I was always slightly paranoid about them because of the crazy things that come up on google sometimes about the dangers of overdosing on iron. (I know, shame on teenage me for googling my pills). At some point my red blood cell count seemed to be normal as long as I wasn't on my period. The doctors told me to start taking my iron "as needed" during that time of the month, since other than that I seemed fine. A few days ago I had been feeling faint. My blood pressure and temperature were low. I had a horrible throbbing headache. My doctor had me come in for some quick blood work to check my red blood cell count and sent me on my way, as I couldn't actually have a proper appointment with all the stuff going on right now in the world. Apparently I was so dehydrated I didn't even bleed when the nurse removed the needle. She told me to drink some fluids and rest and that they would call me later with my results. The next day my entire body was sore like I had worked out really hard the day before, even though I hadn't. If I tried to do anything involving any kind of movement my muscles felt super exhausted and fatigued. I could barely get out of bed. All day today it was the same, only I also had the worst headache of my life. It was a sharp throbbing pain that pulsed with my heartbeat in my head, temples, and back of neck.. And it got worse if I stood up too fast, exerted any energy, or bent over. My blood pressure still felt low and my temp was still on the low side for me as well. It feels like my low iron symptoms to me.. Just even worse than before. So I took an iron pill, despite it not being that time of the month. I still have a bit of a headache but over all I feel quite a bit better. But part of my anxiety brain is telling me it was dumb to have taken it when I didn't have confirmation that my iron was low. I don't know if I'm having a small panic attack/anxiety symptoms but I feel slightly nauseous and its almost like I can't get enough air when I breathe. My anxiety has me convinced I've somehow overdosed on iron. Is taking one single iron pill dangerous if you don't actually need it? I'm trying to force myself not to google, as that never helps anything.. Still no call from my doctor but I'm going to give her a call in the morning and ask about my test results because I'm super anxious right now.

15-05-20, 09:53
No, a single unnecessary iron pill won't harm you. I'm afraid your anxiety's got the better of you and you're being irrational.