View Full Version : Finnally

19-10-07, 17:24
Hiya all
I have just been visted by another team that my doctor reffered me to as the people who are ment to be helping me have been unbelievbly bad. (we are making a formal complaint) Anyway i am finally going to get help. They are offereing a four week intensive program to work through my agorophobia which will start on monday. I am mega nervous but also really releived. I just hope it will work out ok. Then once i can leave the house i am going to get help with another team that deal with long term care.
Just thought i would share the good news. I am so nervous though. It really is going to be an intensive workout and alot of homework. I really hope i can do it and keep it up after the program has finished.
Take care all

19-10-07, 19:56
Good luck

Make the most of it and I hope it helps you loads

19-10-07, 20:27
Hi Blackie

Just wanted to wish you good luck too hun:yesyes: , Hope the program helps:) , keep us posted how things go.

love and hugs

Pink Panic
19-10-07, 20:38
Hi Blackie,

Good luck from me too, hope it all goes really well for you.


19-10-07, 20:44
Hello Blackie,

You go for it - you deserve it. And you'll do just fine.

Sorry the first team didn't work out, at least something's being done about it.

You just concentrate now on taking it little step by determined little step ok?

Big hugs for you



29-10-07, 15:56
Hiya guys,
Thanks for all your kind words. So far it has been a week into the progrnnme and i can walk around my village with my friends and family. I even stopped at our local pub for a drink and am planning on going to the local fireworks night.
This week we are going to work on going in the car to local places. I am absolutly terrified. It feels like i am never going to make it. I cannot imagine ever going out and not feeling a hudge sence of dread.
By the end of the third week i have to beable to get top a town which is about 40 mins drive away so i can go to the treatment place there.
Its just soi hard.
Sorry to whine on. Just feeling abit low today

Pink Panic
29-10-07, 16:16
Wow Blackie,

You have done tremendous work already :hugs: WELL DONE!

Everyone has bad days and maybe that's why you are feeling low today?
What you are doing is also very tiring so be kind to yourself.

I have been out at Tesco today with my Support Worker and I too hate the feeling of dread but surely the more we do it the easier it will get!

You have started really well so try to keep going as the light at the end of the tunnel is there hun.

Take care,

29-10-07, 16:35
Hi Blackie

Gosh you have made remarkable progress already ! WELL DONE !!:yesyes: :yesyes:

You keep at it my friend and keep thinking positive!:hugs:


30-10-07, 15:34
Thank you so much Pink and Andrea. Your right Pink. It is exhasting work. Nice one of going to tescco's:yesyes:
And andrea by possitive face is being attached now. :D

Well today i have made it in his car with him to the pub about 3 miles away. Its about a 6min drive but i did it. And we sat in the pub and had a drink....coke i might add.lol. I feel so much better today then yesterday. Promblem with my is i keep looking at the negitives and what ifs.
Its a shame i will only beable to see this person for the next couple of weeks. :weep:
Still, better make the most of it
luv all

30-10-07, 19:21
Blackie hun, yet another achievement for you today:yesyes: :yesyes: WELL DONE!

Glad today you have been feeling a little better too:hugs:


31-10-07, 12:45
Thank Andrea:hugs: :hugs:

Well today i have been out to lunch in the town nearest to me. Its about a 10min drive away and you have to go on the duel carradgeway. I have some bad moments of panic but i didnt back down. Glad to be home now though:blush:

The only slight thing that is worring me now is the person i went out with today is really nice. But theres something strage about him that i dont like. I cannot really explain it but it makes me feel more panicky. I dont know why but i just wanted to get away from him today. I am so confussed.
take care all

31-10-07, 13:05

02-11-07, 13:58
Thanks Lindalou

Well today i have been out with my parents for lunch at a pub and went to a garden centre where i use to work about 2 years ago. I am really glad i managed to go as i really didnt want to. Its just so hard but afterwards i feel better. I was out for about 3 hours which is the longest so far. I guess i am about half way there to being able to get over to the team that are going to help me. They are about a 40min drive away.
Looking forward to going to see the fireworks too when they are on. It should be a nice weekend weather wise. Sorry im waffling
Take care allz

09-11-07, 12:06
Hiya all

I am really worried about today. I am meant to be going out for a drive to the city which is about 30mins away. We are just going to drive tere and then back home again. I have to be able to get there to see the mental health team there. I am determined to do it though. Its just amazing as 3 weeks ago i couldn't leave my house. Very exhasting though.lol
Wish me luck
Take care all

09-11-07, 12:28
Good luck for today Blackie. Come back and tell us how it went. I'm curious how it works. Do they talk you in to it by pursuasion and encouragement?

13-11-07, 11:25
thanks sagey. Unfortunatly i didnt do it. They do it by coming round 3-4 times a week. First you just get to know the person who is working with you. Then we went for a short walk. Then started driving places. They will talk to you before you go out if you find it helpful or will just go as soon as they come if you find that helpful.
the only problem i am having is i dont feel intirly comfortable with this guy. I dont know why. He just makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes and so really dont want to go to far away from home with him.
I have to beable to get to the city though as i have an appointment with the team there next tuesday. I dont know how the hec i am going to make it but i have to. The people working with me know stops in about a week. they only do the short term work.
I am so confused. He wants to come over today and drive to the city and back. That will be about an hours driving and i am terrifired. Partly because of the journey and partly about spending so much time with him alone and not being able to get away.

13-11-07, 13:12
Why not go and make this your descisive trip with him. spend the time weighing him up, talk to him and see if it improves your opinion of him. On the way back you can decide if you're going to make another effort with this person or tell your team that you can't take to him . good luck.

13-11-07, 13:46
Hi Blackie,

Just caught up with how you are getting on. Let me say that you have made AMAZING progress as I remember you could not talk to your problems with your parents and now you are going to the pub with them.

I want to wish you luck with your trip to the city. I have been in the same situation, but it is amazing what we can do when the chips are down!

You can do it, you really can :)


13-11-07, 13:51
thanks Ray. I guess if i look at what i have managed to acheive in 2 weeks compared to the last year it looks pretty good.Thanks for reminding me of that.

Sagey, thanks for you advice. I will only be seeing him for the next week and thats all,providing i can get to the city. He's a really nice guy though.

Anyway,i might see if today we can go on a shorter trip somewhere halfway and see how it goes.
Thanks again

14-11-07, 10:51
Hiya all

Theguy i see is away now for the next two days. Another girl who I met before is hopefully going to come over on Thursday and we will drive to the city and back. This is a great bonus. Dad said he will take me to the appointment on Tuesday where I will find out more about what help they can offer. I think the last time I will see this guy is this Friday as he is off over the weekend. I will make him a card to say thank you for all his help. He really has helped me loads and I am very grateful.
But I should be able to make my appointment fairly easily. If I drive there and back on Thursday and then go out over the weekend as much as I can with my parents and then head over there on Tuesday. I am feeling much more positive now.
Thanks for all your support guys. Iknow i have been a real winge bag at times.lol
Take care all