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View Full Version : Eye issues

16-05-20, 02:06
So for a while now when i go to bed i get these white flashes in my vision that wakes me up.
Retinal detachments can cause this not to mention ive had blurriness in one eye and mg eyes get severely bloodshot a lot more now.

Im just scared cause this is the last thing i need.
Does anyone else get these?

16-05-20, 03:04
I haven't had that, but am having tests for some other weird stuff that's going on with my eyes at the moment. It is scary, but getting an eye test is the only way to know if something's going on or not. If something is wrong, it's better to know and get treatment asap. If it's not, you can relax. Not knowing and worrying is just ongoing torture. All the best.

16-05-20, 03:56
Ok thanks so much for the response!
I will get it checked out for sure and i hope everything goes well for you.

16-05-20, 03:57
Ughh im trying to sleep but my heart racing keeps waking me up idk what is going on. Its like a sudden startling heartbeat.