View Full Version : Fear of fear

16-05-20, 14:10
Hello to you all 😊
Does anyone else get anxious about being anxious?
I know the racing heart, stomach problems, tight throat etc...are just symptoms of the anxiety, so I’m not scared that they are anything more than that. I’m actually scared of the actual thoughts and feelings that anxiety brings.
I worry about it becoming too much to handle and that I won’t be able to cope - if that makes sense?!
Do any of you get this? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you, Kimberley 😊

16-05-20, 15:02
Yes! I feel just like that at times when my anxiety is high. Like you, I mostly know what all the weird feelings are, but then continue to worry about being anxious. No idea how to deal with it really, but I find sometimes that deep breathing helps.

Take care, Debbie

16-05-20, 22:46
It’s a bummer, isn’t it?! I really need to learn breathing techniques!
Thank you for the advice Debbie 😊 take care x

16-05-20, 22:56
Hello to you all 😊
Does anyone else get anxious about being anxious?
I know the racing heart, stomach problems, tight throat etc...are just symptoms of the anxiety, so I’m not scared that they are anything more than that. I’m actually scared of the actual thoughts and feelings that anxiety brings.
I worry about it becoming too much to handle and that I won’t be able to cope - if that makes sense?!
Do any of you get this? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you, Kimberley 😊

Its natural to feel anxious about being anxious as its not a pleasant experience, you need to try and get more rest, try not to overthink, focus on other things not the anxiety the more you focus the worse anxiety goes it feeds off it, get some headphones on and relax listening to some music its great for anxiety. Also the deep breathing is good as already advised take care of yourself

best wishes xx

17-05-20, 11:58
Thank you for the advice!
I try and keep myself distracted but it’s hard. I worry about days like today when I’m off work and I’m anxious about how I’m going to get through the day without getting panicky.
I need to make a nice, happy playlist to listen to!
Take care and best wishes to you too 😊 xx