View Full Version : Mouth ulcer

17-05-20, 10:58
Hi everyone, I have an ulcer inside my cheek near my back tooth. I've had it for 7 days now and it's scaring me. It's a very painful one probably one of the worst I've ever had in terms of pain and size. I think it came about from eating a crisp that had a sharp edge and it dug into my gum but I'm not 100% sure. I can't stop checking it and worrying which is driving me insane. Knowing its there I can't take my mind of it and can't feel happy knowing its there.
I get mouth ulcers all the time so I don't know why this one is worrying me so much I think it's because of the length of time it's taking to heal and I'm worried it won't heal. I think it looks better than it did then the first time it appeared but I've looked it so much now I'm not even sure. It doesn't feel as painful so I'm hoping that means it's getting better. I don't know if 7 days is a long time for an ulcer to be around. Normally my ulcers tend to heal around this time so I think that's why I'm getting anxious about it. I've tried numerous products on it bonjela, frador, tcp, and iglu. Nothing is really helping and I keep catching it now and again on my stupid tooth which I'm sure is irritating it further. I've now bought some bonjela complete + I'm hoping this will help me a bit at least keeping it covered so nothing can further irritate it.
I'm probably being irrational but I do have HA and these types of things really trigger it off.
Ive not run to the doctors which is something I would have done it the past but its making me so anxious :( just need some words of support and to let me know I'm being silly.

17-05-20, 11:31
I think mouth ulcers can last for up to 2 weeks. Sometimes you keep catching them and then they get worse again.
You could Harge with salt water or buy some bonjela. Mostly just leave it, it’ll get better.

17-05-20, 19:59
Rinse with an alcohol based mouthwash. Another option is put some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab and swab it.

19-05-20, 18:50
My mouth ulcer is finally healing but now a soft lumpy bit of inner cheek has come up just over it. I think it's because my teeth keep catching on that area but my paranoia is telling me no this is the ulcer getting worse even though I can see its getting better. I hate HA :'(