View Full Version : Fear

17-05-20, 13:09
Hello everyone, my day started off really well, went out to do some shopping and felt fine, then suddenly I got this awful feeling in my stomach , I was shaking uncontrollably, my skin feels like it's on fire but I'm cold, I've got a banging headache too, I'm home now and feel slightly better but it was so scary, can anybody else relate to this?

17-05-20, 13:41
It sounds like a panic attack. I see you’ve been having them a while. Do you do anything to help yourself manage them?

17-05-20, 13:58
I've had them for years, I've got diazepam but they just make me sleepy, I wasnt feeling panicky, just this awful feeling in my stomach, cant really describe it, fear/dread is the closest I can get.