View Full Version : Anyone else a better patient in reality than they are in their head

19-05-20, 01:03

This is my first post but I’ve stalked this site for years. I’ve suffered from HA for about 15 years now on and off but I’ve being having a particularly bad time over the last month or so (worse than its ever been, including panic attacks for the first time in 6 years) mostly surrounding bowel/stomach, which I’ve seen a doctor about (who wasn’t worried) but I’ve been referred for further testing. Lately I’ve been trying to find ways to cope with my anxiety and I’ve been thinking back to times when I’ve actually been ill. And it’s made me realise that when I’m actually ill, I usually have very little anxiety about it. I’m lucky that I’ve never had a serious illness, however I do have the BRCA 2 gene mutation and 2 1/2 years ago I had a preventive mastectomy and reconstruction, using fat/tissue from my stomach. It was a massive operation that took nearly 12 hours and 5 days in ICU. But the funny thing was, looking back at it I never over thought and worried too much about the (minor) compilations I had. For example after the operation my kidneys wouldn’t ‘wake up’ for a day and half. I had to get a ECG because oxygen levels were so low they thought there might be something wrong with heart and I was so anaemic I needed a blood transfusion and fainted every time I stood up.

But I always had complete faith in my doctors and what they were telling me. And they were right, I got over all the issues and I’ve had no lasting problems.

So why can’t I believe my doctor when they say my current fears (which are unlikely at my age) are unfounded.

This was really long, sorry. Just can’t sleep and wanted to let out my frustration!

19-05-20, 08:05
Hello and welcome!
I do completely get you on that. When it’s something “routine”. Although your operation sounds a little more than routine, then we just follow the instructions and procedures.

I often think it’s the unseen symptoms that give me the most fear. Stomach issues are all happening where you can’t just rub some cream on or a plaster!

It’s the nature of anxiety to keep ruminating over something too.

19-05-20, 09:09
Hi thank you for your reply.

I agree that it’s the unknown that’s the problem. I defiantly have more anxiety over the thought of having an illness and not knowing it/being unable to confirm it than I do over the actual illness itself! And when it’s something like what I’m having now, where I’m not going to get any real tests/results for possibly a couple of months it’s just hard to not overthink. Even though as soon as I’m ‘cured’ of this one am sure I’ll be moving onto something new! ����*♀️

19-05-20, 13:01
You’re in good company here with stomach problems. Most anxiety sufferers seem to get them at some point.