View Full Version : Left cheekbone ache

19-05-20, 01:10
Hello again,

Wow, this month has been really bad with HA. I am jumping from one thing to the next, feels like every week its something new.

This time around its pain around my left cheekbone. It hurts as if its bruised or something. Pain comes and goes, and it kind of feels like it radiates to my left jaw, nose and around the left eye. Don’t really have any other symptom besides that at the moment. Ive had it for about a week now, so not sure what to think of it..

I do feel like I have post nasal drip, but im not sure. I keep checking my face to see if its swollen, as it feels like it is. Its driving me insane, as I always come to the worse possible conclusion. Has anybody experienced something similar? I’ve read it could be sinus related, but it scares me as I think it could be a tumour or something...

Thanks for reading!


19-05-20, 01:47
Things have changed. I havent spireld down a rabbit hole this bad in years.

I was watching a youtuber I follow tell the story of how his brother died of cancer, and when ai checked his channel I learned he had some type of sinus related cancer. Now I can’t stop thinking that I am gonna end up with the same thing.

Its a horrible feeling to say the least. When lockdown ends I will for sure go back to therapy. This can’t be healthy.


19-05-20, 05:04
Rey my cheek is aching but I have a cold along with sinus
There is nothing from stopping you using the links on here I have been.
You gotta stop googling.

19-05-20, 09:07
Rey my cheek is aching but I have a cold along with sinus
There is nothing from stopping you using the links on here I have been.
You gotta stop googling.

Thank you for replying. I am so worried about this one, I dont have a cold or anything else except this weird ache. Its almost like a pressure feeling, like its swollen inside...

I wish I could unlearn things. I am so worried about this.


19-05-20, 10:32
I get this, either from my wisdom teeth or just sinus inflammation. Allergies set it off for me, even when I have no other symptoms, as does a change in pressure weather wise and keeping my jaw clenched, particularly in my sleep.

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19-05-20, 20:01
I get this, either from my wisdom teeth or just sinus inflammation. Allergies set it off for me, even when I have no other symptoms, as does a change in pressure weather wise and keeping my jaw clenched, particularly in my sleep.

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Thank you for replying. I cant stop thinking about this covid-19 thing.. feeling like crap, my face hurts, now I have this mild sore throat and took my temp and its pushing 37 C...

Kinda hitting most of the check marks for covid...

Anyways thanks for reading

23-05-20, 17:34
Hi everyone,

Soo its been 2 weeks now with sinus symptoms including:

*Pain around nose, Left cheekbone, under Left eye
*Mild frontal headache
*Pressure sensation on left side of face
*Post nasal drip
*Very little nasal discharge (clear and liquid)
*Generally feeling unwell, tired, and run down
*No fever
*No sneezing

Ive been taking antihistamines as well as anti inflamatory pills which seems to help a little, as well as hot baths and warm compresses over face.

Is it time to go back to the dr and take antibiotics? Can they clear by themselves? Like I mentioned its been going on for about 2 weeks, which is starting to really concern me.

Any thoughts?


24-05-20, 02:46
Could someone suffer severe consequences if they leave their sinus infection untreated? I’ve had this for about 14 days or so with no treatment. If anything I’ve been feeling worse. Im gonna try to get a hold of my dr on Monday, but I’m afraid things can get a lot worst between now and then...


24-05-20, 04:52
Yep sounds like you need some different antibiotics from your Dr.

29-05-20, 13:26
Hi all,

So i’m on my 4th day of antibiotics, pain subsided quite a bit, but I still have this sensation of fullness, like something is “stuck” up my nose that wont come out. I can sort of breathe out of my left nostril but it just feels like something is up there, and no matter how much I blow my nose, it wont come out.

I also realized my sense of taste is far less than normal when this is happening, which is also freaking me out.

This is coming close to 3 weeks now, and I am getting more and more concerned. I still have 3 more days to go of antibiotics, but how long should I expect this whole thing to last?


29-05-20, 23:15
My nose is stuffed but no matter how much I blow my nose little to nothing comes out. But I cant breathe through my nose normally because how “stuffed” it is.. this is so annoying And frustrating...

20-06-20, 03:07
If anybody is interested, this issue has almost gone away, still dealing with allergy issues tho.


20-06-20, 05:00
Thanks for following up.

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