View Full Version : Tender spot on my head?

19-05-20, 09:22
Hi All!
I hope everyone is well!
I have had a tender spot on my head for a couple of months, it feels like when you wear your hair up in a pony tail only it's near my fringe ... so can't be there. If i move my hair I can feel it - it feels tender. I found a small spot that's tender but this is a wider sore spot than this - anyone else get these tender spots??

19-05-20, 09:25
Yep, as far as I'm aware they're caused by muscle tension.

19-05-20, 09:28
well, that makes complete sense, I've been tense for months!

19-05-20, 09:29
I get them sometimes, in the oddest places. The scalp holds tension like nowhere else, though.

19-05-20, 09:33
If i massage my head, my whole head is tender, but this has been going on for months!

19-05-20, 09:36
You've been tense for months. If you wear your hair up often that won't help, either.

25-05-20, 01:56
Anyone else get this? I did read that a tender spot on your head could be a sign of a brain tumour!

25-05-20, 01:58
C'mon Tan.... You know better :lac:

Positive thoughts

25-05-20, 02:03
I've had this before and also a feeling of the area being slightly raised, it can feel like this for a few weeks. I put mine down to inflammation and autoimmune issues.

25-05-20, 07:04
I know, but .... tender scalp for a long time, it's painful when I move my hair around my head, I thought it would have gone by now, suffice to say, I'm off to the Dr tomorrow!

25-05-20, 07:12
Do you want me to tell you I think it could be a brain tumour? I find it really hard when I try to reassure people only to have my answers summarily dismissed.

25-05-20, 07:43
I know, but .... tender scalp for a long time, it's painful when I move my hair around my head, I thought it would have gone by now, suffice to say, I'm off to the Dr tomorrow!

Have had this too. Let's know what your Dr says as I'm interested :)

25-05-20, 08:18
Do you want me to tell you I think it could be a brain tumour? I find it really hard when I try to reassure people only to have my answers summarily dismissed.

It's so annoying, isn't it? It makes you wonder why you bother..

25-05-20, 09:03
I also have this and I definitely have alot of tension in my neck etc. All my tension got better recently by massaging the top of my back. I had a huge knot there. Is there someone who can massage yours?

30-05-20, 06:16
I went to Dr who told me to ignore it - she said it's nothing, not a red flag for anything, she looked into my eyes to view my nerves, apparently that can show a brain tumour, by pressure on the blood vessels ... and said just ignore it- problem is is that it's still sore.
She thinks it's muscle tension and anxiety..... don't they always.

30-05-20, 06:18
Do you want me to tell you I think it could be a brain tumour? I find it really hard when I try to reassure people only to have my answers summarily dismissed.

Sorry BlueIris, I don't dismiss what you're saying at all - reassurance is why we come here isn't it but the primary reason is having a mental illness you want to fight but the rumination and constant fear keeps winning.. even when you KNOW its not a tumour and you have people reassure you - which is what we want - it's still the 'what if' its never about offending anyone.

30-05-20, 07:21
You need to learn to control the need for reassurance, though - believe me, I know it's tough, and I've sobbed and raged at my husband in the past when he wouldn't give me what I thought I needed.

In the end, reassurance only reinforces the faulty thinking patterns that there's something wrong when there isn't.

30-05-20, 17:21
This is very similar to what I am currently going through. Tendor spot on the top of my head which constantly feels like pressure on the top and sometimes on the sides of my head. I too have extremely anxious with various issues and health issues combined.
Now and then I'll get sharp stabbing pain in various areas of the head. I'm bringing it all down to anxiety and tension in neck for now.

31-05-20, 23:24
I found tiger balm (the red one) really helpful to use as it warms the area. So much tension in the neck and scalp originates from the shoulders and back. I was having awful headaches to the point I was retching. My therapist went through a personal trauma and mentioned she had similar symptoms and how it originated below her shoulder. Sure enough, when I pressed just below mine, there was the most painful knot there. My partner massaged it for me every evening (was very very painful in the beginning) and the headaches started to lessen more and more. I had areas on my scalp that were so painful to touch and I have hair extensions which made it even worse (felt like ripping them out). The knot has now gone and so has the scalp tension etc. Of course, I've found something new to obsess over now. As per usual.

31-05-20, 23:54
I found tiger balm (the red one) really helpful to use as it warms the area. So much tension in the neck and scalp originates from the shoulders and back. I was having awful headaches to the point I was retching. My therapist went through a personal trauma and mentioned she had similar symptoms and how it originated below her shoulder. Sure enough, when I pressed just below mine, there was the most painful knot there. My partner massaged it for me every evening (was very very painful in the beginning) and the headaches started to lessen more and more. I had areas on my scalp that were so painful to touch and I have hair extensions which made it even worse (felt like ripping them out). The knot has now gone and so has the scalp tension etc. Of course, I've found something new to obsess over now. As per usual.

That's really interesting. I am always tight around the shoulder area from working out that multiple times during the day I have to stretch out my shoulders and I get a satisfying click. As this is also connected to the neck, I have been doing regular neck exercises to relieve the pressure I am getting on the top of my head. Does it work? not completely but I'll keep doing it as long as it's not making it worse!

01-06-20, 00:01
I was doing neck exercises initially as it was so painful along the side of my neck so I assumed it originated from there but it was the back massaging that helped the most. It took a while to go completely as the knot was so big and so so painful but within days the headaches had lessened in intensity. I was getting the headaches like clockwork.