View Full Version : Pvd

17-05-20, 20:47
A couple of evenings ago I noticed a flashing in the corner of my right eye while watching tv, didn’t think much of it but I’ve noticed It’s happening more. I don’t seem to notice it all day when I’m wearing sunglasses but when I’m Relaxing on the evening it’s where sometimes 3 flashes at a time. It’s gone as quick as it’s there. My eye also feels really sore today but I’m pretty sure that’s because I’m panicking about it. I don’t want to google as I know it will cause me a massive spiral. I’ve been doing so well lately even with all this going on I’ve managed to stay positive and rational but worried I could be slipping. Part of me thinks I should see how it is in a week but another part of me is worried it could be diabetes related. I’m 3 months over due my hba1c and can’t get an appointment for another until the corona virus situation has settled, last one back in September was 38 and my eye test At the hospital and opticians showed healthy eyes

20-05-20, 15:57
I’ve had an emergency appointment with an optician today and he’s diagnosed pvd. He said there’s a tiny bleed so is going to speak to the hospital to see if they want to laser it in the next few days. He doesn’t think it’s going to get any worse but I’m terrified. My dad has a retinal detachment a few years ago and it was awful to see what he won’t through.
So scared I’m going to lose my eyesight and not be able to watch my beautiful little girl grow up

20-05-20, 16:28
I posted this reply on another thread.

I have pvd in both eyes. First one was 18 months ago and I was petrified. Was like a money spider in my peripheral vision. Went to optician and was diagnosed with pvd, no retinal detachment. Had scans to check.

Monday morning, this week, lots of long black lines and blurriness with right eye. I phoned my optician who said I needed to be seen within 24 hours and asked me to go and see her in a couple hours. So I went, mask, gloves, etc, as did she. Had drops put in right eye, sat in car for 15 minutes then went back in. Pvd diagnosed again, worse than left eye. She could see a large clump of vitreous gel blurring my vision. I also have haemorrhage in both eyes.

No treatment, but she contacted the Eye Triage team at the hospital, and they're going to ring me on Monday.

I read, dressmake, cross stitch, etc, and its very annoying. It's like looking through a dirty, cobwebby net curtain at the moment.

There are some good articles about it online, the best one on the RNIB website.

Please don't worry too much about it, after a while you learn to live with it and it's not too bad, just irritating at times.

Do you wear glasses or are you short sighted?


20-05-20, 17:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


20-05-20, 17:27
I posted this reply on another thread.

I have pvd in both eyes. First one was 18 months ago and I was petrified. Was like a money spider in my peripheral vision. Went to optician and was diagnosed with pvd, no retinal detachment. Had scans to check.

Monday morning, this week, lots of long black lines and blurriness with right eye. I phoned my optician who said I needed to be seen within 24 hours and asked me to go and see her in a couple hours. So I went, mask, gloves, etc, as did she. Had drops put in right eye, sat in car for 15 minutes then went back in. Pvd diagnosed again, worse than left eye. She could see a large clump of vitreous gel blurring my vision. I also have haemorrhage in both eyes.

No treatment, but she contacted the Eye Triage team at the hospital, and they're going to ring me on Monday.

I read, dressmake, cross stitch, etc, and its very annoying. It's like looking through a dirty, cobwebby net curtain at the moment.

There are some good articles about it online, the best one on the RNIB website.

Please don't worry too much about it, after a while you learn to live with it and it's not too bad, just irritating at times.

Do you wear glasses or are you short sighted?


Thank you for replying to me. I do wear glasses

Has your first one improved in the 18 months? Did you have any flashing at all? Sorry for the questions there’s so many I wish I had asked but didn’t. The optician said the back of my eyes look healthy and retinas are good but I’m still scared it might detach

Please let me know how you get on on Monday

20-05-20, 17:42
Yes, I wear glasses. I'm also short sighted, which my optician told me is why pvd is more common.

I had the scans done on Monday of the back of my eye, and the retina looked fine. Yes, I have flashes, but that's apparently when the vitreous gel is detaching. At the moment, they don't want to do anything about the blood vessel haemorrhages.

My left eye, the one that had pvd 18 months ago, I still have it but you learn to live with it. It still blurs, but in time your brain trains you to ignore it. My right eye, the new pvd, is driving me bonkers, but I will not let it beat me.

So for the time being, I'm just going to try and do my sewing and reading, and try not to worry too much.

Please try not to get too stressed about it - easier said than done, I know, but you'll learn to live with it and maybe even forget about it at times.

I'm always here for a chat if you would like to.


20-05-20, 18:03
I’m sorry I may sound really silly here but the small bleed I have is that the blood vessels? I thought it was the retina that had torn maybe? My poor dad has had awful problems with his eyes and I know I can’t go through everything that he has.
Am I still ok to exercise and do things as normal?
Back in feb I had what I thought was a migraine. I suddenly got what looked like a silver zigzag speech bubble and I now wonder if this may be been when it started? I should have asked about it

Is it ok to see the flashes? It scares me every time it happens

Thank you for your kind and positive words and I’m sorry your going through this.

21-05-20, 14:38
It's tiny blood vessels that are haemorrhaging, nothing to do with the retina, thankfully.

I found this very interesting, with lots of info about exercise, etc, and it has a pdf version: https://www.rnib.org.uk/eye-health/eye-conditions/posterior-vitreous-detachment.

The migraine you mention, yes, I've had those too. Its like a migraine without the headache, just the aura. I'm no expert, but I don't think its linked with pvd.

Again, yes, I have flashes. Apparently this is when the vitreous gel detaches from the retina. Nothing to worry about unless its prolonged.

My optician gave me a booklet all about floaters and flashes - were you given one?

I'm still trying my best to sew and read, I will not give in to it, although it's pretty blurry today.

Try to keep positive. We've both seen our opticians, so they are aware. I think, if you can distract yourself with other things, you will find you notice it less and less.

Take care and stay safe, Dee

21-05-20, 17:12
I think my bleed could be the same as yours as the scan and ultra sound yesterday showed my retina was fine. I’m lucky that other than the flashing I have no other problems my bleed is right at the very back of my eye so I have no loss of vision at all, didn’t even know it was there until yesterday.
I just feel on edge like I’m waiting for it to go wrong, I hope that feeling will start to pass with time. Thank you for the link I will read that I wasn’t given anything from the optician. It wasn’t even my optician I saw I couldn’t get hold of anyone apart from their main switch board who told me to ring an optician in London (over 100 miles away) so I contacted my dr who gave me a number for a local optician who saw me within 4 hours. I’ll be changing to them from now on.

I’m sorry your struggling with your sight but I think it’s great how positive you are and how you won’t let this stop you. Where I work I often lift quite heavy stuff so I’m guessing that’s probably going to have to stop and I’ll have to ask for help from now on.

I’m going to try and sit in the garden tonight and read, I find that if I have my sunglasses on I don’t notice the flashing

21-11-20, 16:55
A couple of evenings ago I noticed a flashing in the corner of my right eye while watching tv, didn’t think much of it but I’ve noticed It’s happening more. I don’t seem to notice it all day when I’m wearing sunglasses but when I’m Relaxing on the evening it’s where sometimes 3 flashes at a time. It’s gone as quick as it’s there. My eye also feels really sore today but I’m pretty sure that’s because I’m panicking about it. I don’t want to google as I know it will cause me a massive spiral. I’ve been doing so well lately even with all this going on I’ve managed to stay positive and rational but worried I could be slipping. Part of me thinks I should see how it is in a week but another part of me is worried it could be diabetes related. I’m 3 months over due my hba1c and can’t get an appointment for another until the corona virus situation has settled, last one back in September was 38 and my eye test At the hospital and opticians showed healthy eyes

May I ask how old you are? I know pvd usually occurs in older people.

21-11-20, 20:21
Hey there.

Not exactly the same thing but a few months ago I was diagnosed with lattice degeneration in my left eye and had a tear in my retina. I experienced floaters and flashing lights in my peripheral vision. Because a retina tear can lead to retinal detachment, I underwent a minimally invasive laser procedure that literally took 15 minutes.

I was terrified, but the procedure was super easy and really only uncomfortable.

I know these aren’t the same thing, but it seems to me that you’re ultimately worried about your retina detaching. While that’s extremely unlikely to happen, it’s very treatable even if it did happen.

Hope this helps!!

22-11-20, 07:16
Hey there.

Not exactly the same thing but a few months ago I was diagnosed with lattice degeneration in my left eye and had a tear in my retina. I experienced floaters and flashing lights in my peripheral vision. Because a retina tear can lead to retinal detachment, I underwent a minimally invasive laser procedure that literally took 15 minutes.

I was terrified, but the procedure was super easy and really only uncomfortable.

I know these aren’t the same thing, but it seems to me that you’re ultimately worried about your retina detaching. While that’s extremely unlikely to happen, it’s very treatable even if it did happen.

Hope this helps!!

Hey, may I ask how old you are? Are you myopic? Did you experience flashes in both eyes or just one?