View Full Version : Hello from a new guy

01-02-05, 18:58
Hi all,

I'm a new guy to this forum - although I've been lurking for a week or two I've only just registered here.

A bit about me and what's been going on: I'm 33 and have just started with panic attacks/anxiety. It's all quite recent, I was experiencing one of my periodic bouts of insomnia, watching MTV (Fatboy Slim, Weapon of Choice, actually) and as Christopher Walken was dancing across the screen at about 2 a.m. I was suddenly seized by the strangest sensation I'd ever had. It was like my heart had stopped and then suddenly went into overdrive.. it felt like my chest and throat would explode and a terrible sense of doom, even vertigo-like feelings overwhelemed me. I was convinced I was having a heart attack. I ended-up on my hands and knees and was literally waiting for the blackness to overwhelm me but, of course, it didn't and as it subsided I suddenly thought - that might have been a panic attack.

So I've been researching them ever since, which is how I came to be here. This happened to me in the first week of January 05. I don't think I've had a full-blown one before but I think I've been getting mini ones at night since about 1992. I used to wake-up with a feeling like my heart was dropping through my body. Very weird! Incidentally, I had my heart checked-out back in the mid 90s as they thought I had a murmur but it turned out I had a noisy, overly efficient ticker.. stupidly, I remember thinking when I was having my 'heart attack' what a bunch of quacks those doctors must have been :)

I'm sure the cause of my panic attack was stress. I'd been ill over Christmas, I was working to deadline for postgraduate study, I'd had a promotion at work (more responsibility and more to learn) and had also split up with my girlfriend just before my birthday (New Year's Eve). I think the attack was a reaction to a lot of accumulated tension - reading other people's stories and experiences I see I've had a lot of the symptoms of anxiety before, without actually realising it..

I'm doing better, mainly through reading posts on this forum, taking Bach's remedies and trying actively to make myself stop thinking the negative thoughts which keep coming at me. Recently, it's been depersonalisation that's been troubling me, and morbid/panicked thoughts about dying/the meaning of life/existence and stuff like that.. Sounds rather weird and if I'd read this 6 months ago I'd have shaken my head at myself! Now I know it's just my body behaving in a certain way and that helps an awful lot - seeing other people struggling very bravely with their own problems has also inspired me a lot. So thanks everyone! :)

It's not easy but I'm trying to fight back and I won't give up until I beat it and get back to how I was feeling before this happened to me.

So hello and good luck to everyone here.



01-02-05, 19:17
Hi J,

Good for you for firstly recognising what had happened to you and secondly for getting to understand it and the built up causes so quickly.

You might want to review what happened that night and consider whether you were dwelling on anything that subconciously brought it on or whether it was caffiene aided or another stimulant including things like red bull and think when you had last eaten.

When you're stressed your system becomes more sensitive to these things .

Anything you're still struggling with do post and we'll try to help out.

I have no doubt you'll be back to your pre PA quickly.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

01-02-05, 19:22
Hi J,

Welcome to the forum!:D
From what you've wrote you seem to be handling your panic attacks extremely well, with a positive attitude. Thats half the battle won!

I understand your morbidness/panicking of dying, as I get this often. The more you think of it, the more you panic, and the more you think of it! Its a vicious circle that has got to be broken, but I'm sure with your positive attitude you'll be on the road to recovery in no time at all.[Yeah!]

Good luck with overcoming your anxietys, and welcome, once again!


01-02-05, 19:32
Hi J,
Although we have already been chatting by PM, I just wanted to say Hi anyway. Im sure, together with all the lovely people on this forum, we can beat this horrible panic thing, in whatever way it chooses to rear its ugly head.
Take care and dont get gloomy

01-02-05, 19:32
Hi J

Welcome to the forum.

It seems like you are doing well at getting over these panic attacks yourself. Well done for doing the researching and putting the information into practice.

I am sure you will get over this quickly.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

02-02-05, 00:44
hi J,

Just wanted to say 'welcome aboard'. I look forward to getting to know you!!

Sarah :D

02-02-05, 08:44
Hi J

Welcome to the site.

You are doing soooo well in dealing with Mr Panic[^]
You WILL beat this and get back to how things used to be
it just takes time.
Always remember J you are not alone and there is light
at the end of the tunnel.
There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

02-02-05, 08:51
Hi J

Abig welcome to the forum, you will find lots of help and support here. Reading your post was just as if I'd written it 8 months ago at the height of my anxiety, I can honestly say I am now 95% back to normal, lol !
You seem to have such a positive attitude to all this I'm sure it won't be long before you are fully recovered.

So good luck to you too mate!

Take care

Elaine x

02-02-05, 13:08
Hi J

Welcome to the forum - good to see you here.

Panic at night is very scary and quite a few people on here get it. Mine used to be in the day mainly.

You sound very positive and I am sure you can soon get back on track and we will help all we can.

Keep fighting ok?


02-02-05, 13:27
Hi J

Sounds like you're straight on the ball on this one, which is great. Took me about 3 months to figure out what was happening to me. Keep doing what you're doing, find some time to relax properly, and hopefully you'll be right as rain in no time at all.

Good luck.


02-02-05, 13:56
hi and welcome im sure you will find some really useful tips for coping on here

fan x

02-02-05, 17:24
Thanks to everyone for their warm words of support and kind welcome -it's very much appreciated! :)

Meg - I think caffeine may have been a factor for me. At the time I was drinking several large mugs of tea every day. I've since cut down to a maximum of 2 cups (not mugs!) a day and I seem to be better for it. Fewer headaches though maybe it's a result of relaxing a bit more as well? I don't know what the subconcious trigger might have been on that particular night, it seemed to come 'out of the blue' as I've read these things do.. I'm kind of an uptight, worrying personality anyway so I think it was a long accumulation of worries/feelings that suddenly burst on me..

- Shell and Elaine - though it's horrible to think of other people feeling the same it's reassuring to know that other people do have similar thoughts and fears.. one of the worst feelings for me was that I was only one to be having the kind of thoughts I've described.

which segues nicely to:

-Jude - we have indeed PM'd and it's really thanks to you for your post in Symptoms which made me think "Yes! It's not just me!" and pluck-up courage to post here! You keep on fighting too - you're already making progress and you will get there - keep believing!

Fan, Mico, Nicola, Jill and Sarah thanks too for your welcome and your words of advice. I hope to see you all on the forums and find all of us feeling 100% better in the very near future.

Cheers all and good health to everyone :)