View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms before bowel movement

20-05-20, 19:02
Hi there
As the title says...before a bowel movement I begin to sweat, go clammy, shake, have shortness of breath and increased heart rate. After pooping I go back to normal, sometimes fairly quicky other times I might take half an hour to an hour.

20-05-20, 20:42
I don’t necessarily think those are anxiety symptoms- unless you have anxiety about your bowel movements. I think that they are just sometimes sensations in your body before a bowel movement.

I feel like I’ve said bowel movement too many times now.

20-05-20, 21:13
@scass hahha, ok my turn to say bowel movements again then. This is something that never used to happen to me before, so I don't know if it happens to other people. It started happening about a couple of years ago and can't seem to find much info about it

20-05-20, 21:32
Is it before every one or just some?

21-05-20, 12:12
Almost all.when this started it used to happen very occasionally, now it's the other way around it very occasionally doesn't happen. It's a really horrible feeling, I have tried lactose free and gluten free also no carbs diet, none of these seem to have made any difference.
It feels as if my bowels moving sets something off

21-05-20, 14:36
I get exactly the same when I have a bowel movement even to the point I think I am passing out! The similarity is that it is all connected to the Vegus Nerve don’t panic about it I think when we have panic attacks we become more sensitive to this sensation

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22-05-20, 04:48
I get the exact same thing as well, if my ibs is acting up and my bowel us upset it's worse.

22-05-20, 08:24
You get exactly the same thing? Thank god I'm not the only one. This is totally unrelated to what I'm thinking. I can be relaxed or occupied working when I suddenly feel strange, I get like an odd sinking feeling in my body (you'd think by now I would be used to it, but I'm not) and then when I start sweating, trembling and feel out of breath with a fast heart rate is when I feel I have a bowel movement coming on. After I go I get a hollow feeling in my stomach and usually rumbling plus anxiety for a while (5-60 mins) and then it all disapears as suddenly as it appeared.

28-05-20, 00:27
Hi. I get the same thing :( I also get a rush of adrenaline and start shaking and I can’t stop for an hour/2.

28-05-20, 09:09
I was going to say vagus nerve too. Some people even faint!

28-05-20, 13:50
Does this happen to you all the time? Any ideas?

28-05-20, 13:52
[QUOTE=Charlie1108;1951391]I was going to say vagus nerve too. Some people even faint![/QUOTE
Yes, so I have heard, sny suggestions as to how to stop this from happening?

29-05-20, 02:27
Oddly enough this doesn’t happen every time I have a bowel movement. Only some times??? I can’t work out the trigger for it

29-05-20, 11:38
Mmmm, yes it's strange, it haooens to me most times but not all and I can't work out the trigger either

05-06-20, 23:10