View Full Version : Pain in the butt

20-05-20, 22:04
It really has been for the past 2 months, maybe even 2 and half months. Its usually more of a discomfort but sometimes some pain too, on the left side. It got better I thought but then came back again. Tried a bunch of hemorrhoid creams and nothing. Of course went proding around while applying the cream and was like is that a lump, what is this texture here, big mistake maybe but decided to talk to a doctor (of course now is all video conference), he is a gastro and did my colonoscopy/endoscopy a year and half a go. He said I had internal hemorrhoids and that he thinks its probably what they are and is not worried since it would be very rare that something worst would develop in such short time which made me feel better for a bit. He gave me a cream, hydrocortisone 2.5% and told me to use for 14 days. It has now been 5 days and its not better. I have no blood at all and always go to the bathroom in the morning but I did notice that my feces have been larger... my diet has changed a bit now that I have been home quarantined though so I left it to that. about a couple of weeks ago of course started having some weird side pains and having to go to the bathroom a lot more, wake up to go which also has made me a bit more anxious.
I know have have health anxiety but this is driving me crazy since the discomfort is pretty much all day. :wacko:

24-05-20, 04:40
Well you do have internal so they can get quite inflamed with larger bowel motions. It could also be an anal fissure which is caused by large bowel motions. The fact that it goes away is a good sign. I guess these things just take time to heal so patience is required.

24-05-20, 12:25
Thank you for the reply!

I spoke to him again because after a week of using the cream it just did not get better, it actually got worse so he did mention it could be a fissure so going to use a stool softner for a few weeks and sitz baths (which I already had been doing). About the larger bowel motions, it has been like that for a few months, large bowel movements, they don't look weird, just really thick and long which probably does not help whatever it is. Normally I would go in but with quarantine that is not going to happen right now. This thing is driving me crazy because going for so long, I love ridding my bike and this has prevented me from doing so since its uncomfortable (ridding bikes is great for my mental health and that is suffering right now). Hoping I will get some relief soon.

24-05-20, 12:34
Thank you for the reply!

I spoke to him again because after a week of using the cream it just did not get better, it actually got worse so he did mention it could be a fissure so going to use a stool softner for a few weeks and sitz baths (which I already had been doing). About the larger bowel motions, it has been like that for a few months, large bowel movements, they don't look weird, just really thick and long which probably does not help whatever it is. Normally I would go in but with quarantine that is not going to happen right now. This thing is driving me crazy because going for so long, I love ridding my bike and this has prevented me from doing so since its uncomfortable (ridding bikes is great for my mental health and that is suffering right now). Hoping I will get some relief soon.

Walking is good and helps with circulation etc. Fissures are painful and sometimes they can bleed. I had a small op. on mine about 25 years ago and it fixed the problem. Stool softeners are fine and you don't get dependent on them (as previously thought). Coloxyl is a good one :)

24-05-20, 13:49
yeah I am going to use it for 2 weeks only. I have no problems going in the morning so don't want to rely on the stool softener (doc told me to use Colace). Luckily no bleeding at all. Well, I had a tiny bit of blood in the TP because I vigorously wiped, that was dumb.

The thing that is so frustrating is that sometimes I am not sure if the pain and discomfort is inside or outside, sometimes it feels like its outside and I do have some redness around there but it does not seem to go in just around and in front and that part feels fine. The thing that is so annoying is that this is a almost 24 hour thing, relentless.

28-05-20, 08:24
I too have rectal bleeding for months. It started off alot on stool and tp. I had stool test, blood tests and rectal exam, told to soften stools which I did. I've since had a proctoscopy and have 3 internal piles with evidence of bleeding. But I've had 2 lots of steroid treatment and I'm still having slight bleeding. Not on the tp but tiny tiny amounts on the stool. I tend to pick the poop out of the toilet and inspect it. If I didnt do this i wouldnt see the blood as it's such tiny amounts.
Its driving me crazy, darn health anxiety!
Hope your find some relief soon. X

28-05-20, 11:16
Thank you. I have had enough. Although I don’t have blood this discomfort and pain is relentless. Starts in the morning and goes all day. Sitting can get uncomfortable. I am going to call my doctor again and see if he can see me next week for an exam and to look st least. It may be just hemorrhoids since I certainly have em but just want to make sure and this way he can at least recommend something else since what I have done so far does not seem to be working.

I hope you figure out what is wrong with you as well. This can all be very frustrating, specially when it keeps going for months, you really start loosing your mind. Health anxiety really is terrible and feels like mine just gets worst as I get older.

Pearly queen
29-05-20, 09:14
I had similar pain to your description and assumed it was hemorrhoids. My doctor said she needed to see me in person and it turned out to be an absess. Easily treated with an antibiotic. So maybe your doctor will agree to a face to face appointment as that's the only way they will know for sure. Hope you get relief soon.

29-05-20, 10:40
I had similar pain to your description and assumed it was hemorrhoids. My doctor said she needed to see me in person and it turned out to be an absess. Easily treated with an antibiotic. So maybe your doctor will agree to a face to face appointment as that's the only way they will know for sure. Hope you get relief soon.

Going to schedule an appointment for next week. Unfortunately I moved so wont be with my doctor but a different doctor but I will have the file sent over.

Thanks for your response, I hope its something as simple as that :)

29-05-20, 11:07
Proctitis is another complaint that causes inflammation inside the rectal area, I've also had this in flares over the years and is more common in those with autoimmune issues. The Dr should be able to see this and provide some treatment if it's that.

29-05-20, 11:24
Fingers crossed. Since I had a colonoscopy a year and a half ago I am not freaking out as much as I normally would. I was fine for the first month but 3 months in it has now started to drive me crazy. Also working from home and sitting all day does not help. Thank you everyone for the responses and suggestions.

24-06-20, 12:41
Finally was able to go to the gastro. He did a rectal exam, said nothing weird in there and thinks its internal hemorroids, he said something about grade 1 and not sure he was able to feel it or he was referring to the colonoscopy that was done a year and half ago. He said nothing to worry about. Told me to eat more fiber, and take metamucil. I was happy with the answer and went on my way.

Was hoping to see some changes but a week later and still have discomfort. I guess this is not something that will go away so quickly but of course part of me still thinks its something else. Also told him my bowel movements have been pretty large which he said nothing to worry about but just weird that they were never like that, they are very thick which in my mind is contributing to whatever is happening. Not sure what to do, I guess I will continue on the fiber train and see where it goes.