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View Full Version : Anxious about withdrawing from Seroxat

Brandy snap
20-10-07, 13:47
Hello, Following my latest annual review with my GP I am cutting my Seroxat SYRUP down from 10ml to 9ml. This is equivalent to cutting down Seroxat PILLS from 20mg to 18mg.

As the syrup is rather sticky it is not really possible to use a syringe to get an accurate dose as you lose so much stuck to the sides of the syringe, so I am using the little plastic measuring pot and filling it just short of the 10ml line (it is not marked in 1ml increments, only 5ml increments).

This problem aside, this will be my second attempt to come off it, the first was a dismal failure, but the first time I withdrew from PILLS. I did it over five months and felt so ill by then that I had no choice but to go back on it. The thing is, I didn't feel anything like as ill as that before I went on it (I went on it for anxiety) so I am sure that the symptoms in withdrawal were due to the Seroxat itself rather than my original symptoms coming back. Has anyone successfully come off Seroxat SYRUP? How did you measure it? And how long did you leave it between reductions? I've been on it since 1997 (10 years).

The reason I am trying to come off it is because the original reason has surely gone by now and the only reason I am still having it is because I couldn't face another five months like the last withdrawal period. It seems not right to have to have it forever simply because once you are on it it is impossible to come off. If I could have been sure there would have been an end to how I felt after the five months I might just have been able to persevere a little longer, but is there an end? I have since got a job and we cannot afford for me to have to give it up, but if I feel like I did last time how can I go to work?

I would be grateful for any success stories, suggestions, thoughts on Seroxat withdrawal. I get scared reading all the stories about it.

Thank you for reading.

Brandy Snap