View Full Version : Anxiety around Liver Failure that is ruining my life.

21-05-20, 17:44
Hi everyone. I come here today because without going to my Dr I have no where else to turn. I am so depressed and anxious over this phobia right now, it is literally ruining my life. I am 27 and have no diagnosed issues with my liver or anything, as far as I know it's completely healthy.

So it all started about 8 weeks ago now. I was given Zapaine for issues with my back and was taking them incorrectly. Being completely stupid I was taking 3 at a time twice a day, which is 6 in a 24 hour period. Whilst I know 8 is the dosage drs say to take maximum, which I was taking less than, I was taking over the recommended dose at one time :( (3 instead of 2). so 6 weeks ago I take the tablets and had a horrific reaction from the codeine. I threw up, shaking, sweating and overall just felt terrible. I knew it was the codeine because I'd had it before, but stupidly I googled and of course found out all about paracetamol poisoning and how easy it is. This has sent me into probably the biggest downward spiral of my anxiety that I have ever had. I was so tense and fixated on my liver area that I started getting shooting pains. Constantly prodding super hard to see if I could feel any inflammation. It has triggered my ibs as well which im struggling with as my stupid brain is telling me it's a symptom my liver is failing. It has been 6 weeks since this fear started, and I'm still alive. I've googled about this which I know I shouldn't and there are forums pretty much saying that I'm going to die (going off the responses people give to others). I am so embarrassed to go to my Dr , as well as terrified to find out if I am actually going to die. I don't have any of the obvious liver failure symptoms, like jaundice. I've read online all about staggered overdoses and how you can go a few months thinking you're fine and then suddenly bam, the liver fails and you're dead. It's only been 6 weeks, so yeah 😢

I'd also like to ask whether or not if it's normal to feel a sharp pain if you push down hard enough on your abdomen in the top right? Just below the rib cage? I seem to always have a sharp pain there that spreads to my chest, if I push down hard enough. I don't have the same pain on the left.

I'm sorry for rambling on, I'm hoping someone can help me here :( I'm really at my wit's end. I don't want to see my Dr, as I say I am beyond terrified. I guess if anyone thinks there is a genuine chance I'm going to die then I'd have to. All my family and friends have told me I'm being ridiculous, but the internet apparently says otherwise.

Thanks all.

21-05-20, 18:53

So sorry you're currently going through this. Let's get you grounded in reality and use your own words to do so. I'm going to provide you with some statements you can use to challenge your thinking.

I was taking 3 at a time twice a day, which is 6 in a 24 hour period. Whilst I know 8 is the dosage drs say to take maximum, which I was taking less than, I was taking over the recommended dose at one time

The reality is that you didn't overdose. Sure, you were taking over the recommended dose but that doesn't mean something terrible is going to happen. You're drawing a conclusion based upon something thta quite frankly didn't happen...you didn't overdose and thus the odds of liver damage are small if non existent. Challenge language: "I didn't take over the maximum amount. I could not have overdosed and the odds of damage caused by what I took is phenomenally unlikely."

Constantly prodding super hard to see if I could feel any inflammation.

Do you know what an inflamed liver feels like? If not, you shouldn't be "prodding super hard." Challenge language: "I'm not a doctor, I don't know what I'm feeling for so there is no reason to be prodding."

It has triggered my ibs as well which im struggling with as my stupid brain is telling me it's a symptom my liver is failing.

Yep, it's just your brain. Challenge language, "My IBS is acting up because I'm so anxious and that is the cause of these symptoms, not my liver."

I've googled about this which I know I shouldn't and there are forums pretty much saying that I'm going to die (going off the responses people give to others).

These forums have no clue what your situation is and thus are 100% irrelevant. First, get off of forums. Challenge language, "This forum doesn't apply to me so I'm getting off and not looking anymore."

I don't have any of the obvious liver failure symptoms, like jaundice.

Use this exact phrase as a way to challenge your thoughts. This is all you need.

I'd also like to ask whether or not if it's normal to feel a sharp pain if you push down hard enough on your abdomen in the top right?

Of course you're going to feel a sharp pain when you push hard enough. You're literally pushing down on organs that shouldn't be pushed down on. They have nerves and will scream at you when pushed in a way you shouldn't be pushing. Your doctor wouldn't even push hard. Light pressure or palpation is all a doctor applies. You may cause more damage by pressing so hard on organs so please stop doing that.

but the internet apparently says otherwise.

Again, the internet has no idea. Get off the internet.

Finally, take some huge, deep breaths and ground yourself in reality. You provided several statements that clearly indicate to me that nothing is wrong with you and that you are in fact overreacting. Please feel free to PM if you have any questions.

Best Wishes

21-05-20, 19:00
Thank you so much. It is really nice to get a perspective that is straight to the point, I find that always works the best for people that have issues like this.