View Full Version : C word fear, help rationalizing, trigger

23-05-20, 00:16
Hi guys, I could really use a loving hand with this one, I just read this news article, I came across it accidentally as I know very well I should be avoiding these things at all costs, and this was an article about this 35 yo mom of four who died of cancer that had spread everywhere, and she felt just fine, she was "the fittest she had ever been", I'm really scared cause for two years now I've been struggling alot to get over this c word fear, I have this muscle knot on my back under my ribs that still up to today I still think it is a tumour or something, it has been here for two years now, it's really painful when it flares up, and now I've been struggling ALOT with digestive issues, they have always been there, but lately they are much worse, alot of heartburn, bad taste in mouth, itchy throat, and the last two days I could not stand up as I was having intense gas pain in my abdomen, doing much better now but now I'm worried this is all the c word spreading, I'm trying to be rational, I'm a 23 yo female, I'm healthy and I don't have any family history with cancer, but I'm just so worried I have a 2 yo I don't want to leave behind

23-05-20, 21:10
These kinds of stories are sensational. They're written to sell papers.

I'm going to try and address what you're going through from a outsider's perspective, but also as someone who knows what it is like to feel this kind of insidious anxiety.

The muscle knot - totally common. You've had it for two years you say? You'd know if that was C word by now. Not that it would be anyway; what a weird C word that would be! My wife has this exact problem. We've been together 12 years. She's had it ever since I've known her. Hot water bottle and a back rub usually sorts it out.

Digestive issues can be directly linked to stress and anxiety. What you describe sounds a lot like what I suffer with - IBS perhaps? My guts are always unhappy. Sometimes I'll have a good day and that usually correlates to me being calm. You can get wrapped up in this cycle when you're worried about your stomach symptoms, which then exacerbates them which makes you worried etc.

Your final comment explains everything - you have a 2 year old! Since having my kids I can tell you my anxiety has gone through the roof. It's a natural thing, I think. But as you said yourself, you're 23, healthy and you don't have any family history with c word. You aren't going anywhere. You have a two year old - that is your purpose right now! :)

24-05-20, 18:56
This story is in my local paper today. She hasn't died, but is terminally ill, and will be undergoing chemo to try and prolong her life. I know this may sound harsh, but dont make the story up to fit your fears.

It's made the news as its extremely rare for this to happen. 99.9999999 times out of 100 symptoms would be present way before this diagnosis.

At 23, your in the least likely age group to get cancer. Please try to understand this

25-05-20, 00:45
Thank you so much to the both of you, your posts really eased my mind, I feel much better right now, and yes I do think I might have IBS, is just like you described, in the days when I'm calm I feel so much better, but today I got really nervous a few hours ago and now I feel nausea, thank you so much again to the both you for easing my mind up