View Full Version : Breast Lump - help me keep rational!

23-05-20, 13:38
Hello, I am new here and would appreciate some words of advice, comfort and wisdom if possible! For context I am 28 years old and used to suffer quite badly from health anxiety but have managed to keep it under control for around 4 years. Last week I found a lump in my breast during a regular breast check, its small and smooth and quite moveable (not massively so but you can definitely jiggle it about a bit). I saw my GP and he said it is most likely benign, but have referred me to the breast clinic to confirm this. The logical part of my brain says its nothing, but the panic side keeps catastrophising that its something more serious - its a week till my appointment and I have to work ect so if anyone has any tips on how to keep myself calm until then, I would really appreciate it :)

23-05-20, 17:28
It sounds like it's nothing to worry about. Small, round, moveable. I think you are good & always good to get it checked out for peace of mind.
A cpl years ago I had one that felt large, hard, and non moveable which checked all of Google's boxes for cancer. I was a mess, but turned out it was small cyst under tissue. My point is, most of the time our worries are far worse than the actual issue. Take care & try to relax. 😊