View Full Version : Brain fog for 3+ months?

23-05-20, 15:07
For the past 3+ months or so, I’ve been experiencing very bad brain fog. It started about a week before I got a cold, and never went away. I went to see the doctor who told me it may be a sinus infection. After 2 rounds of antibiotics, it hasn’t gone away. My nose is not at all stuffed, but my ears often feel very full and I get a bad pulsing/tightening beneath the bridge of my nose. I can’t think straight and just feel like I’m living in a constant fog. I really don’t think it’s anxiety either because when this all started I was not anxious at all. I’ve also been getting very good sleep, exercise everyday and eat well. I’m really scared it’s a brain tumor. Has anyone experienced this? I can’t really get in to see a dr now, which makes me more anxious.

24-05-20, 02:09
Dear Liv,

I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. I have a couple of friends who had some physical stuff go amok in their sinuses. Some simple surgery really helped them out. As the quarantine lifts, you’ll probably be able to get into an ENT soon.

Hang in there until then. I have the foggy head feeling a lot, especially when my allergies are flaring.

Lots of luck. :bighug1:

28-05-20, 01:11
Thank you so much for your reply! I’m trying not to get too anxious over it, but it’s hard when it’s constantly there. I do suffer from seasonal allergies, but it’s strange to me that it began late February and does not get better with allergy meds. Thanks again for replying!