View Full Version : Brief tiny visual blindspot?

24-05-20, 00:32
And, I’m back again. This quarantine has made it difficult to work on my emotional issues. I am a fairly recent widow living all alone, and I have never had so much free time to worry and stress.

I am currently down the visual rabbit hole, and today I drove to the park and was Sitting in my car scrolling through Facebook on my cell phone. I was looking at a series of pictures that had comment icons at the bottom. One of those tiny little comment icons had a tiny little piece Of the drawing missing. Instead of calmly blinking my eyes to see if the tiny little piece filled in, I threw my phone to the passenger seat and put my arms on my head. I calmed myself for a moment and then checked my phone again. All the little boxes were filled in, but I have no idea if I was using the same part of my vision.

Opinion One: I’m almost 60 years old. I’ve learned that my body does quirky things from time to time. I’ve experienced something similar to this on occasion. It isn’t something to have a freak out about. I’ll write it down, and, unless It starts happening frequently, I’ll bring it up at my annual eye doctor appointment the first of October.

Opinion Two: Visual blind spots are very bad. I’m going to be in a total panic attack till I go to the ER and have this checked. I probably have a brain tumor and will die alone and unloved. I need reassurance this is not what is happening.

Can anyone help me? Which opinion is best?

Is this ER worthy? In the past I subjected myself to way too many ER visits and tests. I do not want to start that again. I am trying to keep to my regularly scheduled checkups and stuff unless something is serious. I just am a little crazy about health matters and need some help to figure things out.


24-05-20, 00:59
Firstly, I'm sorry for your loss. As you said, that's difficult enough to process and add the current situation to the mix and no wonder you're struggling.

I think you know what the deal is. When the camel is loaded down, sometimes all it takes is a tooth pic to break its back.

Hope you start feeling better soon.

Positive thoughts

25-05-20, 19:39
Thank you Fishman for your kind response during my meltdown. It helped a great deal!!!

25-05-20, 19:56
Everyone has a natural blind spot in each eye where the optic nerve connects. Could you have just seen that for a moment? I remember occasionally noticing mine while stargazing when I was a teen and was into amateur astronomy.

My eye doctor would go for Opinion One and a Half - he would say to call him and he'd have you come in for a quick check to make sure you don't have a tiny retinal detachment, which they can easily fix.

Since it's not persistent, my money is on a natural phenomenon, though.