View Full Version : Worried about 7 year old daughter.

24-05-20, 12:46
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here which is good for me.
But out the blue I am in a huge HA blip thinking my daughter, age 7, has a brain tumour.
On Wednesday evening (it’s now Sunday) she went to bed normal, but a few mins later she was complaining of a severe headache right between her eyes. She couldn’t look at the light and had to have a cold compress over her eyes.
This lasted about an hour and a half until she said she felt sick. I took her to the bathroom where she threw up and immediately felt better - we weren’t even out the bathroom and the headache was completely gone.
I phoned the GP the next morning who said it was a migraine and they were quite common in children.
She woke up fine the next morning and that was that...
Then on Thursday she was complaining of earache (the week before she said she had a slight ringing in her ear) and that it was painful in her ear when she was bending etc. We pottered in with calpol until Saturday when she said the earache was still really painful so I called out of hours. They said it sounded like an ear infection so we had to collect antibiotics from the pharmacy.
We did that, and 10 mins after the antibiotics she took an allergic reaction to them. She’s had penicillin plenty of times before but this time her throat and face swelled and had hives head to toe. We had to phone 999 and an ambulance arrived 10 mins later. She took an antihistamine and slowly went back to normal.
She’s feeling and looking back to normal today but I am absolutely beside myself that these are all linked to her brain. I forgot how stomach churning this was and my husband has reiterated that there is nothing at all to worry about. He knows about my HA and said if he’s not worried then I shouldn’t be.

I don’t know what else to do. I am convinced she is gravely ill.

What would you do?

24-05-20, 13:40
Sorry to hear you and your daughter had to go through that, but you really do need to listen to hubby.

Aside from the allergic reaction to the AB's, this happens to kids all the time. Both my kids have had this kind of sporadic and acute illness a number of times.

You just need to find a way to let it go, that is the thing you need to do. Nothing else.

Headache, earache, vomiting....that's what kids do. Repeatedly.

24-05-20, 13:43
Sorry to hear you and your daughter had to go through that, but you really do need to listen to hubby.

Aside from the allergic reaction to the AB's, this happens to kids all the time. Both my kids have had this kind of sporadic and acute illness a number of times.

You just need to find a way to let it go, that is the thing you need to do. Nothing else.

Headache, earache, vomiting....that's what kids do. Repeatedly.

thank you. I think because this all happened in the space of 4 days has sent me over the edge. I’m a mess today but I have restarted Fluoextine as I wasn’t taking anything for a while, but I need them clearly.