View Full Version : Bleeding during sex, period ended. Severe health anxiety too.

24-05-20, 17:17
Had endometrial ablation May 2019 along with lots of other tests and smear due to occasional spotting between periods. Since the ablation I know roughly when my period is due due to breast pain and I get one but very light. Normally it is having sex that kicks this off. Last Friday 15th after quite vigorous sex I had mild red bleeding then for 3-4 days after light pink / brown discharge which is normally what my period is like now (period was due Monday 18th), sex on 19th slight brown discharge. Everything had stopped by Wednesday but sex last night 22nd and red blood during. TMI but I was on top and slightly vigorous.
Problem is I'm such a worrier & suffer with health anxiety and now this is all that's in my head and I'm back to thinking how I was a year ago that it's something sinister and terrible.
FYI sex the Tuesday before 22nd and previously no bleeding.
Reassurance needed for a stupid panicky person.
Thank you whoever takes the time to answer

24-05-20, 17:30
You're not stupid, I promise, just scared. People spot for all manner of reasons, though, and the vast majority are perfectly harmless.

If you had rough sex, it's logical that you're going to bleed a little.