View Full Version : Brain tumor worry again

24-05-20, 23:21
I am having serious health anxiety over a brain tumor. I dont really have many symptoms right now though I get symptoms on and off. For instance. I hear a constant ringing in my right ear that's not too high pitched. Granted I blast music in my ear buds but why would it only be one ear? Also I noticed as I was falling asleep my lower jaw was trembling. It was opening and closing. That would explain why my tounge is sometimes sore. I'm worried this could be a seizure due to a brain tumor. I am also always off balance and have vision symptoms but I am supposed to be wearing glasses and havent for 5 years. Also I do have a very mild form of sleep apnea. My main concern now is the jaw trembling, teeth chattering while sleeping though. Can these things be caused by other things other than seizures? That's all I'm seeing on google.

30-05-20, 05:53
Hi there friend, I've had this exact fear before. Sometimes when we convince ourselves that we're experiencing a certain illness, we go into a "confirmation bias" mode - and then every little symptom becomes evidence of a brain tumor. But this is just our minds playing tricks on us. And looking on Google makes it worse, because we see what our anxiety wants us to see.

I think it's very possible that the sleep disruptions are due to anxiety. I sometimes get teeth chattering too, or jittery moments where I feel like I can't control the muscles in my face. I've even gotten eye twitches from anxiety. This is all very normal, but if it persists for a while it can't hurt to bring it up with your doctor. I hope that all is well, sending my best wishes!