View Full Version : Relief for Anxiety, Naturally?

20-10-07, 22:08
Hi thank this website and everyone that speaks/comments about their own experiences. I have been battling this problem off and on since I was a teenager but just recently it's been a daily problem....I couldn't enjoy me life until I found this site.

I've been having the constant feeling that my life was coming to an end and I was leaving my children, eye pains, shaky, my IBS was out of control, I've gained weight and felt as though I was here but wasn't here(life didn't seem real, hard to explain). I asked my closest family members and friends if they ever experienced this and they all looked at me like I was crazy(which didn't help my fears) I was on the vurge of calling my doctor(which scared me since I thought she'd say I was insane and take away my kids) and I thought I'd try to see if anyone on the web had this same problem. Thank lord I found this site........it almost instantly calmed me right down.

I had in the past experienced panic attacks(the 1st happened at work & was so bad my boss called the ambulance) and since then realized I do have problems controlling my stress/anxiety but recently the problems were out of control. Does anyone find relief for these problems naturally......like by differant herbal remedies or increasing certain vitamins/minerals in their diet? The cost of prescription meds is more than our family can afford right now.


20-10-07, 22:58

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

21-10-07, 01:07
Hi Gigi....and welcome,

In your message you say...
just recently it's been a daily problem.... .....but recently the problems were out of control.

When our anxiety gets out of control, we often look to medications etc to relieve our symptoms which can give us some support to help us cope but ask yourself what's changed in your life. Why is it only now that things have got so bad? It could be you're overloaded at work, at home or other influences in your life at present.

In other words, look at the main causes rather than the feelings you're experiencing and see if there's a reason and whether there's anything you can do to take some pressure off your load. It could just mean you need a break! If you can, it'll help you cope better and hopefully without the need of remedies.

Speaking generally, often we look to cure our symptoms rather than the underlying causes but by only easing our symptoms, the underlying causes will continue to cause anxiety. :winks:

21-10-07, 01:09
Hello Gigi,

Welcome to NMP. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Yes I am doing the all natural and having great effects. I am taking Seredyn you can find them on the net. Good luck and there are lots of all naturals out there.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better

21-10-07, 05:26

21-10-07, 06:49
like by differant herbal remedies or increasing certain vitamins/minerals in their diet? The cost of prescription meds is more than our family can afford right now.

Hi Gigi - welcome. You will find a lot of information, support and also caring here on NMP.

Sorry you can't get prescription meds, but its certainly worth seeing a doc anyway. Everyones different and for you the solution may not lie in meds.

To answer your question, there is something thats relatively cheap. I'm not saying its a cure (just as my doc said to me), but he did advise using Vitamin B Complex, and if you drink alchohol additional Vitamin B1 (Thiamine).

Apparantly Vitamin B helps our brains work as they should, and a deficiency in just one of the B vitamins can stop the others working as well and can cause symptoms. While this won't fix any underlying problems it may help address any vitamin inbalance.

My diet is exceptionally poor so without the supplements I'd be lacking. Depending on your diet you may consider other vitamin supplements like a 1 a day multivitamin.

Vitamin B Complex is about 60p for a months worth from my local supermarket. Its certainly a cheap way to start if you're strapped for cash.


21-10-07, 20:45

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


21-10-07, 21:37
Hi Gigi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You could have a look at the natural remedies page here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=remedies) and work on coping strategies such as controlling your breathing. There are various therapies available too such as CBT which are worth trying.

Take care,

Mike :)

22-10-07, 21:20
Hi Gigi

Wanted to say :welcome: and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help to you.

23-10-07, 20:28
Hi Gigi,

Welcome to NMP. Many here feel exactly like you do and you will find a lot of support here. I take prescription meds for my anxiety right now but I am sure many here use herbal help too.

