View Full Version : Kidney, Liver Failure

25-05-20, 10:44
If someone had kidney or liver failure, would they have a normal liver and kidney function blood test? My stomach is bloated badly, I’m getting stomach cramps and some breathlessness, which I know can be caused by pressure on the diaphragm. I’ve had 4 lots of antibiotics in 2 months, a bladder infection in Feb, which has now gone and a clear x Ray. I had a troponin test in March which was clear - as had a massive heart attack three years ago. My legs, though not swollen, feel some discomfort and there is loose Puffy skin at the top of my feet which I think looks like mild Edema. My partner disagrees and is at her wits end as I have been feeling rough now for 12 weeks. I have had two negative Covid tests but my GP said the tests need to be within a short window of symptoms starting, so she would expect them to be negative and that there are a lot of false negatives. My other concern is heart failure. I had a massive heart attack three years ago and done really well and recovered fantastically. I am walking 3-5 mikes a day in total so would think this would not be possible if it was the heart causing problems.

25-05-20, 11:22
Walking is good for general well being, fast walking is even better. If you had liver or kidney issues they would show up in tests. In saying this there are a number of things that can elevate liver enzymes eg. alcohol, some anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. A bladder infection may produce a slightly raised kidney function, but antibiotics should clear that.

I take a high dose milk thistle tablet daily for my liver and it's good for digestion too, worth a try.

25-05-20, 11:33
Thanks wise. I take colostrum and been drinking Kafir. Milk thistle is very good for the liver. I can’t take it now as I have high bilirubin which the drs day is Gilbert’s disease. Many years ago I had a very coarse fatty liver which had return to perfect, so I was told in Feb. I very rarely drink these days. The kidney was slightly knocked out after the heart attack, I believe it was a led that bc they put me on too quickly as I felt awful after then until stopping it. I have slightly raised protein in my urine but apart from that the kidney function tests are fine. Take care.