View Full Version : Question about iron deficiency anemia

26-05-20, 19:15
I just had my dr tell me about my low iron which I know about for years now. She knows I知 a health worrier and she was trying to scare me telling me to go to a gastro that I could have internal bleeding somewhere and I might someday need a transfusion. She made me a wreck but I知 pretty sure my low iron is from my heavy 7 day periods I get I always get extra pale when on my period. Anyone else had this anemia is it bad like she said

26-05-20, 19:35
Also I try not to google but I read how anemia could cause heart problems and I知 worried also that colon cancer could be a cause. Do you think anemia is deadly does it cause leukemia ugh I知 a wreck

05-06-20, 10:43
Hello scaredgirl
I had iron deficiency anaemia from heavy periods (only first 3 days are heavy), and this is the most common cause.
You didnt mention how old you are?
Of course, because of my HA I went to get a colonoscopy, but wish I had listened to my common sense and dr friends and just replaced and checked it, as I had no other symptoms.
Why did your dr think you have internal bleeding?