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26-05-20, 19:50
I’ve been having sever pain in lower back hip and been worried it’s arthritis esp rheumatoid arthritis when I was a kid I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis in my ankles which went away after I took meds for it but I read now it was an autoimmune and people were saying it leads to adult rheumatoid arthritis and a shortened lifespan and I’m scared I’m gonna die young please anyone have this before or could help me relax about it

26-05-20, 19:55
https://www.healthline.com/health-news/mortality-rate-is-high-for-children-with-juvenile-arthritis-100615#1 Article that scared me I don’t remember having this I thought it was just regular arthritis as a kid that went away but now it seems that classify them all as jia I’m really confused and scared

26-05-20, 21:38

Please try and relax. There are many forms of juvenile arthritis and not all lead to rheumatoid arthritis as an adult. It sounds as if you went into remission without sustaining any lasting damage. I would suggest seeing your doctor regarding your concerns. Don't assume you have rheumatoid arthritis as you would have to have rheumatoid factor confirmed by a blood test to be diagnosed. There are many non pathological causes for pain in the lower back and hip, and this may not even be related to your diagnosis of juvenile arthritis. In the mean time, try and eat whole non processed foods and stay well hydrated as this will help ease inflammation and perhaps you will start to feel better sooner then later. Take care

26-05-20, 22:05
Thank you I don’t remember but I just remember it was only in my ankles but I’m worried cause I have been having g bad lower back hip pain now but I think it’s sciatica. Does regular full blood test show rheumatoid Arthritis or a special blood test

27-05-20, 19:45
Hello again

A rheumatoid factor test would be ordered by your physician and may include a Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (Anti-ccp) test as well. This would help your doctor determine if rheumatoid or another form of arthritis were present. Again, if your still concerned your regular physician is where to start, they will determine where to go from there. Lower back and hip pain is super common, especially as we age. I'm sure you will be just fine. Good luck and take care.

28-05-20, 10:05
Thanks 😊 you think though that if all these years I’ve felt fine i probably don’t have rheumatoid arthritis I feel like the dr would suspect if I did you know

28-05-20, 17:35
Yes if your doctor would have suspected rheumatoid arthritis he/she would have certainly investigated further and ordered testing if necessary. If you have felt good over the years then you certainly did not have rheumatoid. Take care