View Full Version : I'm here again tummy pains and confusing medical results

26-05-20, 22:44
Lately, I've been doing pretty well with my anxiety. It's been kept in check pretty well and I've been coping with it, even during these times. Of course, there's always a bump in the road...

Tonight, I've started to develop pains in my upper right abdomen, just under my ribs. My first ridiculous thought was pancreatic cancer. Of course it was. What else could it possibly be?! It's kind of a weird pain, kind of sharp but kind of dull at the same time, does that make sense? Each individual "burst" comes and goes in less than 10 seconds. I strongly suspect it could be PMS. But I had my period two weeks ago, and I know PMS can present up to two weeks before starting a period. So, it's entirely possible. I also have diagnosed acid reflux disease and have been feeling a few bouts of that lately-it often creeps about in connection to PMS...

Normally, when I get pains, they come and they go. They don't come, go and come back. And keep coming back. I've been a little off lately. Since November actually when I was awakened by a sharp pain in my belly button. I've since been to the doctor about that, had bloods and a stool sample sent off. There was some confusion regarding the blood results. My stool sample came back negative for everything. However, I'd had the bloods done and results back before the stool sample was returned. When I called them for my bloods, a note was put on by the doctor saying "review once stool sample is in." Stool sample came back and nothing from the doctor. Naturally, I briefly freaked out. I wasn't sure if that meant that she needed to see me because something was wrong with my bloods or was it more, "I'll review this when I get the stool sample so I can give the all-clear?" Since I heard nothing from them, I assumed the latter.

Now, as I'm getting these pains and I still get them sometimes near my belly button-I'm wondering if they did find something-a receptionist said they seemed to have found inflammation, but I wasn't sure if she meant they were checking for infection with my stool sample or if my bloods showed inflammation. She wasn't clear. The first receptionist said my bloods were fine and I've always thought they couldn't say that if it wasn't true...

My anxiety is telling me that I should have chased this up months ago. I've left it because for the most part, I feel fine. 9 times out 10 I am ok. I get some tummy pains now and then, but normally it seems to be around my period or when I'm feeling anxious and tensing up without realising it. But what if it isn't? What if I've ignored it and something was desperately amiss?

I keep telling myself that if that were the case, the doctor would have brought me in. She wouldn't have left someone with worrying results to just wander off, oblivious. Or maybe they would. Maybe I got lost in the stack. The pain keeps coming, short sharp flashes of it and it's worrying me. It's not overly painful as in I can still function fine. It's more uncomfortable. I'm trying not to think of the worst case scenario, but I can't help it.

I just need some advice. Should I contact them tomorrow for clarity on the results even though it was before Christmas they came out? Or should I just leave it now?

27-05-20, 20:13

I would let this one go. If anything would have been off, you would have been told and brought back in. Trust me, no patient gets lost in the stack, as that would be leaving money in the stack... Take care