View Full Version : Panic attack today

29-05-20, 19:04
Hi guys

I had an awful panic attack today it’s been a long time since I had a bad one

My morning was normal I was fine all morning apart from the usual daily anxiety issues I deal with

I went for a 30 min walk when I got home I decided to cut my hedge in the front garden I had eaten my breakfast about 10.30am went for my walk at 12.30 so this was about 1-1-30ish

I thought I would do that first then have lunch

I should mention here I have fibromyalgia and have problems with my upper back neck and shoulder muscles I did the hedge all felt ok but worn out came inside prepared my lunch

I was sat replying to messages I had received while I had been busy and my arms started tingling and aching definitely a symptom I have had before never know if it’s caused by my fibro or my anxiety

I sat with my phone and all of a sudden I started to feel like my heart was racing I checked my Fitbit my heart rate had gone up to 116 I actually said out loud oh my god completely lost it and spent the next 30 mins-ish in a complete panic attack I tried so hard to work myself through it but I was getting worse so I went and woke my husband who was having a nap

It took him about 15 mins to calm me down right now I am sat alone again with my dinner and I am petrified of it happening again

Has anyone ever heard of muscle issues causing a panic attack? When my arms ache I panic that it’s my heart and I’m about to die ( this stems from my mam suddenly dying 11 years ago of a heart attack I have been in the grips of this awful disorder ever since

Just wondered if anyone can relate

Thank you so much

02-06-20, 11:15
Hi guys

I’m still feeling effects from this 4 days later 😕 I had a telephone consultation with my doctor yday and she did say it would take a few days and to give myself time and try and relax and not forget how far I have come

I’m a bit obsessed with the heart rate on my Fitbit and keep checking it 😟 I just don’t want to feel like this anymore 😔

Thanks guys

02-06-20, 11:27
Sorry for the late response.

Panic attacks can take forever to come down from, though. My advice? Get somebody to hide your Fitbit, you don't want to have anything that makes self-checking easier.

For what it's worth? My heart rate goes over 116 on a fairly regular basis and I'm definitely not dead yet.

03-06-20, 14:48

Thanks so much for replying

I’ve been struggling on yday was a good day this morning was ok then I went for my walk I do everyday

While on my walk I was thinking about a long running family argument involving my sister and one of my brothers who I no longer speak to and have no desire to

I was just thinking what my response would be if I ever got a text message from any of them stupid I know I was walking and thinking and winding myself up like an idiot

When I got home from my walk I walk with my son who is 18 and autistic I came home and was feeling as you do after a brisk walk I hadn’t sat down yet I had just checked my Fitbit for my times and pace of my walk after that I went on my Fitbit app on my phone to see what my active mins were and my heart rate was 156 I immediately became terrified had another panic attack (not as bad as Friday) and I managed to get myself through it because my husband wasn’t here he was still working and I can’t talk to my son about this stuff it would scare him

I ended up ringing my daughter when I had calmed down now I feel rubbish again I really hoped and thought talking to my doctor would help now I’m more scared and so fed up of this 😔

Anyone been here before?

Thanks guys

07-06-20, 05:59
So many people with anxiety have been there before. Do you need to have a fitbit? Just a question. You probably wouldn't have had a panic attack had you not seen your heart rate on your fitbit? I would get rid of it. But maybe you need it for something else, your choice, but yes, so many people have been there, me included.

08-06-20, 23:35

Thanks so much for replying

I have took my Fitbit off now I spoke to my doctor again on the phone this morning she agreed I need some time without it

I feel so so scared right now I am so tired of this life of fear I sometimes can’t see any way out every pain I get every ache I feel like this is it and I’ll be gone that’s without all this virus stuff we have going on

I had done so well in the past couple of years this has been 11 years of hell now and the last 2 hadn’t been too bad now I feel like I’m back to where I was 11 years ago

I have made some real good progress as well in regards to my health I’m not young I’m 47 I have 4 grown up kids although my son is autistic and will always need us

I’ve quit smoking 4 years ago in October I’ve lost over 8 stone in weight over the last 3 years I am really trying to give myself a chance to live to a ripe old age but I can’t enjoy all I have achieved with this cloud hanging over me

It’s so unfair 😔 Thanks for reading

21-06-20, 15:43
Hi all

I am still suffering from this panic attack a month ago on Friday

I’ve had a few more since then but nothing like that one

I’ve had about 4 conversations on the phone with my doctor and while it helps for a bit I get the creeping thought that she isn’t seen or examined me so how does she know nothing is wrong

She wants me to go and see her tomorrow morning which I am glad about I am now anxious about going for my walk with my son couldn’t face it at all today so didn’t go the last time I went on Friday I felt like I had a weight on my chest like I was walking with the wind blowing me back heart was pounding and was trying to stay calm I did complete the walk and I didn’t stop so that’s good

I was supposed to be at work today but couldn’t face that either another fail I only work 12 hours a week because I am my sons carer it’s not a lot to ask myself to do but I can’t even manage that I have been working for the same place for 7 years and until all this they didn’t even know I had anxiety I had it so much under control

I am gutted they now know and I’ve had to have time off I was crying at work last Tuesday ended up coming home early I have never cried at work something else I feel I have failed at

I am really hoping my doc visit does it’s job tomorrow and I can start to move past this and feel better

Thanks for reading guys

21-06-20, 15:54
Caz, I'd hug you if I could. Please don't be so down on yourself? It's not your fault that you're not well.

It's going to get better, I promise, and we'll all be cheering you on.

21-06-20, 16:11
Hi BlueIris

Thank you so much for your kind reply

I am really hoping tomorrow brings me the reassurance I need and I really do need to put some thought into how I can sort this out more long term

It’s exhausting 😔

Thank you again xx

21-06-20, 16:23
You're very welcome. Message me if you need somebody to talk to in the meantime?

21-06-20, 19:30
Good luck for tomorrow Caz and I'm really pleased that you will be seeing your doctor face to face because it's so much better than these cursory phone appointments.

Please don't do yourself down..You are not weak but just totally overwhelmed and a bit of TLC and reassurance from your GP could be invaluable. You've got a lot of responsibility with your son and I'm sure your needs get overlooked..but tomorrow you'll have the opportunity to get the attention you need for yourself. Please let us know how you get on? x

26-06-20, 12:01
Hi Pulisa

Thank you so much for your reply I apologise I have only just seen this I didn’t realise my thread has a page 2 🤣

The doc appt went well she checked my blood pressure heart rate oxygen levels and had a good listen to my chest and heart she told me my heart rate was a little higher than she would expect apparently normal is between 70-100 bpm and mine was 93-95 she said she was not at all concerned given how I had been feeling

I think on the whole I have felt better since the appt but I do still have some issues it is just that when I get the chest ache or panicky I don’t let it consume me and go into full on panic mode

Overall I feel sad like I don’t feel like I am happy right now and it feels like I never will be but I’m hoping that’s just the anxiety trying to keep its grip on me

I am due back at work Monday I am nervous I know I will feel better when I have completed both my shifts without panicking or coming home I am determined I will I think then I may feel like I am winning

I am sorry about your dad it is so difficult when they leave so suddenly it feels like everything turned to crap the day my mam died and the only thing that would make it better is if she was here which obviously can’t happen so that makes me feel like I will never be over this

My 3 grown daughters have offered to pay for councelling for me because the nhs waiting list is so long and I feel like there are people out there with worse problems than me that need it

I am hopeful things will get better I do feel like I need some help but I’m not sure what

Thanks again xx

26-06-20, 16:47
Hi all

Posted the above reply just before I went for my walk

I had 3 small but still horrible panic attacks while on my walk today 😩 I had no issue at all yday so I’m thinking if it was my heart it wouldn’t be fine one day and not the next would it?

I am so scared and fed up by all this now I just want to live in peace and handle things like normal people do I’m so tired of it 😩

I’m home now sat in my garden waiting for my daughter and grandson to arrive and I feel gutted absolutely gutted that I can’t defeat this thing once and for all

Here’s what happens....it starts with my chest feeling tight and I keep getting a scared feeling in my stomach I then feel like I’m shaking inside it gets worse and worse lasts for about 3 minutes then passes today it happened 2 more times after I cried my eyes out to 2 of my daughters when I got home told them I’m so fed up with it I don’t want to wake in the mornings because my day is consumed with how bad I’m going to feel today 😔

I feel quite low this time like it’s hard to let go of all this and try and move on 😔

Thanks for reading x

28-06-20, 10:23
Hi guys

I had a good day yday was really positive and feeling good about everything going back to work is getting closer and I haven’t heard from my manager to see how I am or if I am returning either that’s making me feel crap the feeling that people may be getting fed up of my rubbish makes me feel worse

We didn’t go walking yday because it was raining so weather permitting we should be going today but I am scared of abrepeat performance of Friday when I have panic attacks it knocks me sideways for the rest of the day and all I do is cry 😢

I need to have 2 good days in a row for my shifts at work but I seem to be having one good one bad got to try and get a hold of myself and force them positive thoughts to the surface

But when I’m sat on my bed as I am now just waiting to get in the shower and I can feel my heartbeat and my stomach is in knots it’s just so hard to keep the thoughts that my heart is in trouble out of my head

Thanks for reading 😔 xx

01-07-20, 11:46
Hi Guys

Still not right 😩 the panic attacks have subsided thank god but I have stomach issues still

I know anxiety loves messing your stomach up and I do keep telling myself that but I would just like a day when I’m not in some kind of discomfort

I do have ibs and I do think it’s related to stress so obviously it’s been bad during this time

Also my period is due (sorry for tmi) and stuff with my ibs and my anxiety always get worse during this time of the month sometimes it’s right from ovulation until my period starts other times it’s literally a couple of days before my period starts I guess it depends how stressed I am that month

It feels like chest discomfort when I need to open my bowels but I know your stomach is quite high up so maybe it just feels that way when I’ve been I always feel better but it’s like when I eat and my body has to start the poo making process(sorry) again it starts again I do take meberbrevin 3 x a day and I have only just started the lunchtime one again when I’m “ok” I just take the morning and night one but with how things have been I’ve restarted the lunch one

I might also try a rinitadine or something like that to help me out 😔

Does anyone else have things like this? I worry my bowels are in trouble I have just managed to get past the heart trouble now this 😩

Thanks guys xx