View Full Version : Jaw problems

21-10-07, 19:33
Hi everyone just after a bit of advise.

I am having problems with left side of my face, it is like an aching pain in my face, jaw and front of my ear. I have had it three times before and after 3 or 4 days it goes away by itself but keeps recuring after a few months. I dont think it is dental because my teeth and gums feel fine. Any ideas what this could be.

21-10-07, 20:45
Don't know for sure can only tell you that I had similar symptoms and it was wisdom teeth trying to come thru when there was no room. Had to have them both out and the pain went away. Couldn't believe it was dental but it was!


22-10-07, 00:55
I have another post on this but it could be what they call TMJ. It's on the net. In simple terms it's when we clench our teeth at night on one side because the jaw isn't level so it causes pressure which then travels up to the ear etc.

My dentist gave me a mouthguard like a gumshield to help ease it.

If all other possibilities are ruled out then it's probably this. It's common and a symptom of stress.

24-10-07, 22:06
been to see the doctor about my problem, was not my usual doctor i see, i explained about the pain in my face, jaw, ear and side of my head, i told her it was really starting to worry me, she checked my throat and ear and said that everything seemed fine, she said that it seemed like one of my glands in my neck could be swollen which could be caused by a bit of an infection.

She did see on my records that i have been suffering from anxiety and asked me what i was worried about and thought this problem could be, i explained that my main worry was throat cancer, she said that i have not got that, and explained what sort of symtoms i would have if i did.

I am still worried about my symtoms, the pain is still there and seems to be more in my face and the side of my head as before i think this will just go away on its own, but i just want to know whats causing it, could it be some type of nurelga.

24-10-07, 22:37
sounds like jaw clenching to me and maybe a mouth guard will help

Also do you hunch up and have shoulders around ears?

24-10-07, 22:53
sounds like jaw clenching to me and maybe a mouth guard will help

Also do you hunch up and have shoulders around ears?

Thank you for your reply, im not aware that i clench my jaw, maybe it is when i sleep i could be doing it, not sure what you mean by hunch up, but i do use my laptop or watch tv of a night while lying in bed were i lean on my elbow. The discomfort is also in the side of my face that i sleep on against the pillow.

24-10-07, 23:05
Try getting into the habbit of resting the tip of your tongue on top of your lower front teeth when driving, on pc, watching tv etc. Sounds silly i know but its impossible to clench your jaw whilst doing this. I have tmj and it really helps.
anx xx

27-10-07, 00:33
Thanks for your advise again everyone, the problem with my face and jaw has now gone away again on its own, so feeling alot happier now :)

01-11-07, 21:04
Hi, new on here. Am having similar problems with jaw, teeth and throat. Feels very tight and uncomfortable and also feels like a pressure feeling in face around teeth. Had a camera up my nose to check for sinus prob which are all clear, having a filling replaced next week in case there is any prob there, and also I have a compacted wisdom tooth which they say may be causing the prob.
I googled a prob, and stumbled across this site, onto the thread about throat problems, I cannot find it now I have properly registered!!! but it was very reassuring to read how many throat probs are indeed just stress related.
Great site guys!! Got a feeling I will be a regular!!

01-11-07, 21:29
Dinky - I sent you a PM with a link in that may contain your throat thread you initially found.

04-11-07, 18:20
i have had tmj in the past really bad and had a lot of treatment at the dentists incl a mouthguard and having the edges of my teeth reshaped. i too did not realise i was tensing my jaw. i now often think "relax jaw" and then i find i have been tensing/sticking my jaw forward! relaxing your tongue and just letting it sit at the bottom of your mouth helps too - if you stick it behind your lower teeth - i find that tenses it too.

i also used to get terrible face pain - it was so bad i head to go to bed with it in the day. i got my sinuses checked etc - all clear. tension can cause terrible pain! now that i know my bad habbits - i hardly ever get it now.:)