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View Full Version : Small lump on my arm - skin cancer worries

31-05-20, 10:31
Hi, almost 2 months ago I noticed a new small lump/mole on my arm. It's only 2mm and on the surface of it looks like a non-dodgy mole. It has clear edges, but it's raised like a dome and quite hard. It looks light brown but when I press it the colour fades so I think the colour is actually blood vessels. I have spoken with my GP and sent in a picture she said it's just a mole... I had an online appointment with my dermatologist who said it's likely a sebherroic keratosis (benign).. but I have these and it's not like it at all... They don't change colour when I press them. Reassuringly it's not looking any bigger, but it is worrying that I can't get it checked in person. I feel relatively rational about it, ive had 2 doctors look at photos, it's not getting bigger, but the "what if's" aren't going.

Can anyone offer any advice? I just wish the GP or dermatologist could see it properly!